Chapter 21: No Promises

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Mason and I spent some time walking around town as he ran errands for his mom. He was supposed to do them after school, but all that really mattered was that they got done. Mrs. Peters was having a hard time coping after Sophie's death. According to Mason, ever since Sophie had gone missing she hadn't been the same. Doing basic things took the most energy out of her so Mason said she saved her energy to go to work and cook dinner. He and his father were now doing most of the work around the house so his mother could heal. In order to help her out Mason and I had mailed a couple of letters at the post office, then picked up a few things from the supermarket she needed for dinner. Afterwards I went and bought some of Mrs. Polings' comfort food to give to his mom in case there was a day she couldn't cook.

After we had finished with the errands we had gone to my house, and put the food in the fridge before heading up to my room. Mason had been oddly silent since walking into my house. The whole time we were in town we talked idly about small things such as rumors, the passing comments, and even the friends he was slowly making. Though when we got to my house, he became eerily silent. It was as if he was overtaken by fear and had lost the ability to speak. The only thing I could think of was that he was wondering about our parents again.

He had stated more than once he was shocked at what had passed between them without anyone knowing. How could my father not know she was pregnant? Easy, she didn't start showing until after she left. That's what I would have done in her case. I would have hid it for as long as possible, and if I was going to run from the reality of having to tell my husband, I'd leave until after the baby came and I lost the baby weight. Then Mason would ask how his mother didn't know, and I'd say shrug. He had to figure that one out for himself. I didn't know his mother like I knew mine.

"What are you thinking about?" I asked as I pulled out my laptop to open Sophie's diary again. We had run into yet another dead end with Cole. Since he hadn't been giving her the medication, and because it had been so wide spread during the summer anyone could have had it, he was in the clear. WE weren't giving up though. Mason was convinced that the two almost car accidents were on purpose, and brought up a few other occurrences I hadn't even noticed that were threats against me.

Someone had slid notes into my locker warning me to stop looking. I assumed they were Mindy because she was upset with me for not giving her the gossip and would be even angrier that I ditched her for Mason today, and tossed them without another thought. They continued with the tires on my car, really the car my parents let me borrow, were deflated. I had run over glass, which had come out of nowhere in our driveway. Mason was sure someone knew what we were up to and warning me to stop, but I wasn't going to. I wasn't even sure they were threats, and the only one that had me on edge was the most recent -- an anonymous phone call.

I shivered remembering the dark voice, and it's promises. The voice said I was next, and I wouldn't have it as easy as Sophie had. I shook my head to get rid of the thoughts, I had been trying to convince myself that it was Cole trying to get even with me for accusing him. The only problem was Cole wouldn't continue to call. He would have been a one time kind of guy, just like he was with all the girls.

Mason placed his hand on my shoulder, clearly realizing what I had been thinking about. It allowed me to clear my mind for a moment and refocus.There had to be something that would make someone stand out as a suspect, but I couldn't think of one. Maybe we had been missing something. Everyone in this town seemed to have an angle, but I couldn't think of many people with someone who had just moved to town. So Mason and I thought of our parents affair, what if they had hurt someone other than their significant others?

But who else was there to hurt?

"I've been thinking about the birth certificate," he admitted.

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