Chapter 16

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(Y/n)'s pov

I was taking a shower, and I had just started to put shampoo in my hair.  While I was rubbing the shampoo around, the water started sputtering before it just stopped.

"Mom?" I called out.  I sighed when she didn't respond, and I stepped out the shower and put on a robe to go downstairs.

"Mom, did you forget to pay the water bill?" I asked when I walked into the kitchen, and saw her at the kitchen table.

"Of course I paid the water bill." She said until she saw my soapy hair.  She ran over to the kitchen sink and tried to turn on the faucet, but none came out.  "This is what we need the emergency visa for. Something must've happened. Come here, I'll fix it and get you rinsed."

I walked over to the sink as she grabbed a jug of water and washed the shampoo out as she started laughing.

"How is this funny, mom?"

"How is this not funny?"


Lauren's pov

The game was about to start as Camila walked over to me.

"Hey, can I catch a ride with you to Demi's party?"

"I didn't think you were going. Figured you would be hiding in (Y/n)'s back seat again."

"Jealous?" She smirked.


"What? I could see it. You're both so broody. You could brood together." She said as I looked at her, and she stuck her tongue out.


(Y/n)'s pov

"Goddammit, this is a team, not a chinesd fire drill. Lovato, you're playing selfish." He yelled at Demi.  "Get out there and pretend you know each other. Alright, let's try to get it together."

"Suns on three. 1,2,3. Suns!"

The Suns inbound the ball. It looks like they are trying to isolate Demi Lovato on the baseline. She is really working hard to get open down there. Ariana Grande with the ball, working the wing as she looks for Demi underneath.

I dove to the basket to get open as Ariana had just gotten swarmed.  She threw the ball to me and I layed it up.

Pass to (Y/n) Lovato across the court! (Y/n) Lovato for the basket! I tell you what, (Y/n) Lovato is really starting to gel with this team.

"What was that!?" Demi yelled at Ariana.

"What did you want me to do!?" Ariana yelled back.

"Get back on defense!" Coach Smith yelled.


After the game, Demi still was pissed at Ariana for what happened, considering I could hear them from across the court.

"She had a better angle, Demi. I'm sorry. Demi, come on, I'm just trying to win." Ariana argued, but Demi just kept walking.

"Are you excited?" My mom asked.

"Why, because we won?"

"No, because there is running water in the locker room. We are going to be roughing it until tomorrow."

"It's okay." I said. I saw Demi walk up to Dan, but he just ignored her and walked away. What a fucking dick, oh my god. She said something to her mom before walking over to me as my mom left.

"Two decent games in a row. Getting better or just lucky? Look, the team's got a part tonight at my parents beach house."

"Why are you telling me that?" I asked.

"Because I said 'the team', didn't I? Look, it's gonna be a long season, all right? Might as well deal with it." She said before walking off.


Ally and I were in the car on the way to the party as she was ranting.

"These girls kidnapped you, trashed your court, threatened you with bodily harm. Party? Yeah sure, why not?"

"I know it's all a setup, all right? But I'm not going to let him screw with me. Whatever she dishes out, she's gonna get back double." I said.

"Do you think- I mean, just maybe- that she has had a change of heart?" Ally asked, looking a little hopeful.

"That would require actually having a heart." Soon after I said that, we arrived to the party and Demi, Lauren, Camila, and Ariana were all standing in the front of the house.

"I didn't think you would come." Demi said.

"Makes two of us." I replied as Ally and I walked passed, but Demi stepped in front of Ally.

"Hi, I'm Demi Lovato." She offered her hand.

"Yeah, I know. I'm Ally." She responded.

"I know." Demi said.  Demi led Ally and I into the house and brought us to the massive living room.

"Well..." Ally said. "I bet their plumbing works."


"Just saying." She muttered.  Some girls rushed over to Lauren and Camila with a newspaper in hand.

"Have you seen this? 'The Highschool Fearleeder' it's a comic strip." The girls said, who I'm pretty sure were other cheerleaders.  I peeked at the comic strip and saw Lauren's art.

"Wait, this is insulting, right?" Camila gasped.

"Who are these people supposed to be anyway?" Camila said.  Demi looked at the comic strip, but immediately looked at Lauren after seeing a box of the comic.  Lauren avoided her girlfriend's gaze.

"Yeah, I wonder." Demi said, sarcastically while glaring at Lauren.

"It's just a stupid comic strip. Who cares?" She nervously laughed.

"More like 'sucky'. Whoever it is, doesn't know the first thing about it. They make it so..." Camila paused to think of a word as I stepped in.

"Shallow?" All the girls glared at me when I said that.  I walked away and found Ally as we made a tour of the house.

"I know you are like, having the time of your life and all, but can we make like a tree and get out of here?" Ally asked.

"We just got here."

"Whatever. Let me know when you've proved your point. I'm going to go to one of the 18 bathrooms in this place." She said before walking off.

I walked into the kitchen in search of something to drink.  Lauren, Camila, and Demi were sitting at the kitchen table as Camila noticed me.

"(Y/n)..." She said as I turned around. "Come play."

"What's the game?" I asked.

"I never."

"All right. So the game is we all take turns saying things we habe never done, and everybody at the table who has..." Demi explained.

"They have to drink." I finished as she nodded.

"Okay. Teresa you're up." Demi pointed to a cheerleader.

"I've never had sex with anything made of plastic." She said, looking at Camila who took a sip after rolling her eyes at the girl.

"My turn." Camila said. "I've never... No, I did that..." She laughed.

"Skip you. My turn." Demi said. "I've never..." She smirked at me.

"I've never had a dad that wished I was a stain on bed sheets." I took a deep breath to control my anger before walking over to Demi and placing my drink in front of her.

"Then you are welcome to mine." I whispered in her ear before pushing off the counter I leaned on and walked away.

A/N I think I'm obsessed with updating this book.

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