Chapter 26

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(Y/n)'s pov

"Great. This is fucking great." Demi complained as the bus slowly vanished from our vision.

"Calm down."

"You calm down. My phone's on that bus, my wallet's on that bus."

"Yeah, my phone and wallet, too."

"So, what the hell do we do now?" She asked.

"We start walking." I stated the obvious as I began the long journey.


Lauren's pov

I waited on Camila as a college guy was wrapping her ankle, but he couldn't see me from where I stood.

"That's too tight." She complained as the boy slightly unraveled the bandage.

"Too loose." He adjusted it again.

"Too tight." She whined as it went on for another minute, and I tried to stiffle my laugh.  I watched as Camila bit her lip and smirked at the poor boy, who she was clearly taking advantage of.

"So, you're in college, right?"


"Oh. I love college guys, you know."  The guy's cheeks turned pink as he was clearly getting flustered from the injured Cuban. "Two more years and you'll be a doctor."

"Not exactly..."

"So, tell me Dr. College Boy... if you wanted to get me something for the pain, you could." She fake winced as I watched in awe of her manipulation.

"Well..." Camila moved her slim legs and ran a hand up them as he watched.  He started stuttering and became flustered. "I could- I think- Yeah I can do that." He dumped some pills into his hand, smiling goofily, but stopped.

"You're not a cop, right?" Camila laughed and shook her head.

"No." She held her hand out as she recieved one pill. "Only one? What about tomorrow?" She pouted and gave him puppy eyes. "Please?" He gave in when he handed her another and grabbed a cup for water for her to take the pill.

"Here's the thing," he turned around to fill the cup, and Camila quickly downed the two pills. "These are really strong pain pills, so take half of one every twelve hours." He dropped the water he was handing to Camila when he noticed the pills were gone, and she innocently shrugged.

"Oops. All gone." She smiled and laughed.  This poor boy...

I walked out the office and paced in the hallway.  Ally came around the corner and abruptly stopped.

"What are you still doing here?" I asked.

"I'm thinking of transferring." She joked. "What about you?"

"Camila- she's been in there forever." I said just as the door opened and a loopsy Camila stumbled out.

"HEY!" She screamed as she jumped on me.

"Oh, boy." I sighed.

"Hi. This is my best friend. Don't you think she's pretty?" Camila slurred to the college kid.

"What happened?" I asked, already knowing, but to see how he would respond.

"Um, she uh, found some pills on the floor. She'll be fine. Just let her sleep it off." He nervously explained.  Well, he responded horribly.  Really, 'some pills on the floor', no one just has pills on the floor, especially if you want to be a doctor.  Then again, doctors shouldn't just give out pills to people, either.  Camila could not stop laughing and mumbling random things.  She stumbled out my arms and latched onto Ally as well.  I let Ally hold up Camila as I led the way to Camila's car.

"We should hang out more often." She slurred to Ally. "Wait, what's your name?"

"Ally." She responded slowly.  Camila looked like she was thinking deeply before continuing to ramble.

"Yeah, I don't like that. Let's call you... Camila." She rambled as I helped Ally put her in the car.

"Hi, friend!" She patted my shoulder.  We layed her down in the back seat as she lay down.

"Thanks for the help." I told Ally.

"Yeah, sure. See you guys later."

"Where's your ride?" I asked her.

"I'm gonna take the fan bus back."

"They just left." I informed her as Camila shot up to a sitting position.

"That's perfect! Camila, you can come with us!" Camila yelled excitedly at Ally.  I looked at Ally confused before she explained.

"Yeah, she decided to name me Camila." I laughed.

"Laur, can she come, please?" Camila begged as if she were asking for a puppy. "Please!? Lauren! Pleeeeeaasse!"

"Just don't touch the stereo." I told Ally as she nodded and we got in the car. "Or else, we will have a problem."

"ROAD TRIP!" Camila screamed. "We're going on a road trip." She then sung the same line continuously.

(Y/n)'s pov

"We wouldn't be out here if you had never joined the team." She complained after only half an hour of walking.

"We wouldn't be out here if you weren't such a jackass about me joining the team." I retorted.

"Why do you want my life so bad?" I rolled my eyes at her stupid question.

"Don't flatter yourself. You're the last person I would trade places with."

"All I know is you came out of nowhere, started grabbing everything you could from me. My name, my girlfriend,-" I stopped walking as she stopped a few feet ahead and faced me.

"What about you, huh? I bet your grades sucked before you met me, but I didn't see you going to Ally then."

"Who said what me and Ally got is about grades?" She smirked.

I was about to respond, but a car pulled up.  A beat up old thing that looked like it belonged in the junk yard.  The car stopped a few feet in front and rolled down the windows.

"Hey, want a ride?" The people asked and opened the back door.  Demi shrugged at me before looking back at the car.  She turned and began walking to it.

"I wouldn't take that ride, if I was you." I warned her.

"You're not me. You never will be." She said as she walked over to the shitty car.  As soon Demi was near the door, the people in the back seat grabbed her and pulled her in.  The driver reversed to me, where I could see Demi, angry, in between two Pirate players.

"Oh look, two little Suns for the price of one. Get in or the superstar dies." They threatened.  I shook my head, internally telling myself I shouldn't do it, but then sighed and got in the car.

Playing the Court (Lauren/You/Camila)Where stories live. Discover now