Chapter 37 Part 1

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Lauren's pov

Camila and I entered the house where the college party was being held.  As soon as we walked in, we were offered a drink.  Camila declined with an excuse about being the designated driver, but I just straight up declined.

"Too desperate." Camila started commenting on the college students who liked the walls of the place. 

"Hello, Abercrombie." Camila smiled and walked away from me and over to the 'model' looking student.  I laughed at her boldness and slipped through the crowd looking for a calmer environment away from the rowdy college kids.  I exited the throng of drunken idiots and ended up in a somewhat quiet hallway with a couple practically fucking in it. 

I passed the couple and saw a room open.  The 1975 could be heard from the room in the hallway.  I peeked my head in the open doorway and noticed a boy, or I guess a man, sitting on his bed.  He didn't look too creepy, weird, or any other questionable traits that would get me to walk away, so I spoke up.

"Wow, The 1975 and it's on vinyl. Do you mind?" I asked, gesturing whether I could enter or not.  He shrugged in response.  I walked in and over to a shelf full of albums.  I picked one out and held it up.

"This is a great album." I commented.

"You know them?" He wondered, shocked.

"Yeah." I laughed. "I'm Lauren."

"I'm Gabe." He introduced. "You wanna hear it?" He nodded his head toward the album.  I eagerly nodded my head as he smirked, walked over, took it out my hands, and put it onto the record player. 


Camila's pov

"So what are you drinking?" The model looking boy asked me.

"I'm not tonight." I sighed out.

"Me neither. Killer exam on Monday." He said.

"In what?" I asked, curious to know more about this gorgeous human being.

"Psychology." He smirked. "Human sexuality, actually."

"What a coincidence." I smirked back. "I specialize in sexuality."

"Maybe we can be study partners." He grinned.

"Maybe." I responded.


Lauren's pov

"There's no way you have this one." Gabe smirked as he held up yet another album.

"Please. I've got it on colored vinyl." I smirked.

"Okay. I was wrong about you." He smiled and rubbed his chin. "I guess your clothes kinda threw me off."

"Im into the music, not the uniform." I responded.

"Same as me."

"Yeah?" I asked and he nodded. "Well, maybe some of us can love the songs without dressing in those clothes." I gestured to his somewhat rocker outfit.  I laughed as he looked over his clothes.

"Let me get you a drink." He offered.

I shook my head, "I'm not really drinking tonight."

"So that's why we haven't met before. You are still in high school."

"Yeah..." I awkwardly confirmed. "I'm a cheerleader."

He laughed at my response, "right, right. You a straight edge?"

"Not really."

"So how about it? Just one drink." He persuaded. "We haven't even got to my bootleg collection."

I sighed and thought it over. It's only one drink, plus Camila is driving.

"Fine. One drink." I stated as he smiled.  He got up from the bed and walked over to his dresser, pouring a drink for me as I looked over his albums facing the opposite side of the room.


Camila's pov

Currently, I was pressed against the wall as the model boy pinned my hands above my head as we kissed. We were still at the party, but we probably wouldn't be for much longer at this rate.

"Camila, let's go to your room." He broke the kiss.

"Um, you know what? Yours is better." I said, trying to convince him to go to his place since I didn't attend this college, or any college for that matter. 

His hands traveled to my hips as he shook his head, "sick roommate." He explained. "Do you live in this dorm?" He asked.

I shook my head and pulled him back in by his collar. "I live across campus, way across." I lied.

"I-I got my car." He suggested.

"Okay, great. Let's do it there." I said and kissed him again, but a cell phone rang.  I pulled mine from my pocket but it wasn't ringing. "It's yours." I told him.

He picked up the phone and answered it, "Hello?"

There sound was muffled on the other end and it was already hard to hear due to the music. "I can't hear you...right now?"

I waited as he talked.

"You said I could stay until midnight." His voice got quieter. "Mom, that's not fair. This sucks."

At the word 'mom' I got angry.  He hung up the phone and smiled at me, trying to cover up the fact that his mom called.

"I'm sorry. Was that your mom?" I asked angrily as he hung his head in response. "Are you in high school?"

He smiled sheepishly, "Yeah, but these parties are a great place to meet college girls. Can I get your number?"

"What kind of loser pretends he is in college?" I yelled, avoiding the fact that I was doing the same thing.

"I'll take that as a 'no'." He sighed and walked off.  I groaned and sighed.

"Not cool." I mumbled to myself.


Lauren's pov

"Hey." Gabe tried to get my attention as I sat on his bed, sinking more onto the mattress.  My drink was almost empty at this point and my head was fuzzy. "You okay?"

I slowly turned to look at him, but it was hard to focus on him. "I don't know."  I rubbed my eyes and looked at my drink.  "What's in this?" I slurred and he smirked.

"Why? You like it?" He asked, but I set the cup down on his nightstand.  I knew there was no way I could be drunk already.

"Did you slip me something?" I asked. He smirked and walked toward the end of the bed.  I started to internally panic.

"Oh, god." I said as struggled to sit up, but somewhat managed it. "I need to-"

"Lie down? Good idea." He smiled and gently pushed me back down onto the bed.

Oh, God. Please help me.

A/N I have to split this up into two parts because it is too long.

Playing the Court (Lauren/You/Camila)Where stories live. Discover now