Tyler montoya

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Don't own PJO or HOO but, I wish I did.

Tyler POV
My name is Tyler Montoya I am the hottest guy in all of Boardmen High. Ya, That's right! My school's called boardmen! It's like they wanted me to be EXTREMELY bored here. My dad owns the school so like, EVERY girl wants to go out with me. Why wouldn't you? There's this one nerdy girl I have had my eyes on since forever! She says no to me everytime. Why would you say no to the hottest guy ever?

Her name is Annabeth Chase. Her name's gorgeous, but you know what'd make it even better? If it was Annabeth Montoya. Now I'm just spitballing here, because I don't actually wanna marry her. Every time I hit on her she would say something like, "I have a boyfriend," or, "I'm not interested in you," or most always, "No, I wouldn't date you even if you were the last guy on the planet."

 Her disinterest in dating me has always made her more intriguing. Especially since I have checklist to hookup with ever girl in the school, and she's one of the few left on the list. However, that would all change today. You see today's the school's talent show. Now normally, that stuff is for chicks and geeks, but I had to do it in order to get Annabeth to say yes.

 I'm going to ask her out by singing to her while I'm on stage. You may be saying to yourself, "But, oh, The Amazing Tyler, how is that any different from what you normally do to ask her out?" Well, I've learned then when anyone is put in front of a large audience and is asked out, the pressure always makes them say yes.

  Everything was set up perfectly, I was getting on the stage and had started singing. (I'm sorry I couldn't make this accurate and add an actual song, but I actually have good taste in music so I wouldn't know where to start in trying to find something, so just imagine a really crappy song about picking up chicks.) At the end of the song I asked Annabeth to come to the stage. She said no. Well Damn. It's okay! I could do it from here.

 "Annabeth! Will you go out with me?" I said, hoping this would work so I could finally finish off my checklist and become the king of the babes. 

 Sadly, that was not going to happen. Would you like to know why? Of course you would like to know why you are most likely one of my devote followers who would listen to any story involving me.

 So anyway, evidently, Annabeth thought I was being a pervert, and a creep, and evidently she told her "boyfriend", who turned out be to real, all the stuff I did, and evidently, he was their, in that gym, on that day.

Sooooo I got punched but importantly, I didn't finish off my checklist.

Hahaha, wait I just thought of a pun, it would seem I got hit-on, for all those times I hit-on Annabeth, get it cause I got punched? I'm so funny.


Him and that Waterson boy from another chapter would make great friends.

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