Alexa NorthinStone

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It's harder to pick names for these characters than you'd think. Like, every name that comes to mind I have some kind of relationship with a person that shares that name and it just doesn't work. XD. Like hmm, maybe Milan! Oh no wait, I hate a girl named Milan. I can't write her as the nicest person ever XD

Alexa NorthinStone POV

I was in my room trying to study for finals, when I heard my roommate talking on the phone. It was a pretty loud call and as far as I knew my roommate had no friends at this school besides me. Who the hell was she talking to at 2 am? On the night before finals! And why was it so loud? I can only imagine it being that loud if it was on speaker phone, so why did she need it on speaker when she was by herself? It sounded like the person was literally standing in her room!

I knocked on the door slowly, and as soon as I did the door opened. I decided to eavesdrop. 

"DREW! Go back to the cabin or something!" I heard Piper and someone else shout in unison. I poked my head threw the door even more. Who was Drew and what was this cabin? DID SHE INSTALL A CABIN IN OUR DORM?! As soon as I poked my head threw I saw a rainbow-like mist with a boy inside the center. It looked almost like a portal.

"Sorry about that, Drew has been annoying me ever since you left for school."

"Yeah, luckily I get to go back tomorrow."

"Why did you even go, why not just let a Satyr handle it?"

"Because I had nothing else to do and she is my sister." Who's her sister? Piper had only been here for about a month, and we had become friends off the start. Mainly because of our similar style and we had the same eye color. "It's going to be really hard to convince her to come. When I got here, if it wasn't for her eyes I would've mistaken her for an Athena kid. And tomorrow is finals, she's gonna throw a fit about that one."

"It'll be fine. I just can't wait to see you again. So, do you want me to pick you two up, after or before school tomorrow?"


"K." As soon as he said that, a Latino boy came into the picture and was running behind him on fire. "Uhhh, I gotta go make sure Leo doesn't set the camp on fire."

"Bye!" Piper said, as she lashed her hand threw the portal-like thing. She started to walk out of her room and I quickly hid. Of course I failed since, I had absolutely no skill in hiding. "Alexa? What are you doing out here?" She asked, confusedly. I said the first thing that came to mind, which wasn't the smartest idea.

"Just ya know, enjoying the scenery."

"We see this room everyday. It's our hallway. Were you eavesdropping on our conversation?"

"PSSHHHH NO! Okay fine, maybe I was but, you didn't tell  me you were leaving! AND YOU CERTAINLY DIDN'T TELL ME YOU'RE A WITCH WHO CAN SOMEONE MAGIC COMMUNICATING PORTALS!"

"Oh yeah, about that."


"Listen, why don't we just go to bed, I'll explain it all tomorrow, and I think we are waking up our neighbors."

"FINE! BUT I EXPECT TO KNOW EVERYTHING FIRST THING IN THE MORNING!" I shouted and ran to my room, then, remembered I forgot something and ran back out. "OH AND DON'T MAKE PHONE CALL PORTAL THINGS SO LOUDLY!" I then, ran back into my room.

The next, morning I did get my answers. I was a demigod and a Daughter of Aphrodite. Weird huh? Funny how many times I got bullied, when in reality, I WAS PART GODDESS! I enjoyed my time at Camp Half Blood and got to meet all my sisters. It is quite wonderful at Camp Half Blood.


Short Chappie, but anyways! Yeah, I've been meaning to do another Jiper one of these.

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