Lucy Erzanna

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Sorry, it's late I was moving Saturday and Sunday. Btw if you watch the anime Fairytail.. I may or may not have been watching it as I was writing and that's how this name came to be. But if you haven't watched it, you should, and two of the main characters names are Lucy and Erza.

Lucy Erzanna POV

I was walking down the halls carry my books and minding my own business when I saw Prissy. Her actual name is Priscilla, but everyone calls her Prissy. She walked up to me and smacked her lips. She then applied at least ten more coats of Cherry-Berry lip gloss. She whipped her blonde straight, long hair. "So, Lucy! Have a boyfriend yet? No, of course not. And what about you Annabeth? No probably not, after all it's just normal for nerds to-"

Annabeth my best friend interrupted. "Actually I do, but how's your boyfriend doing? You know, the seventh one this week. Because we all soooo, care!" She said the last part being sarcastic. That made Prissy scoff at us.

"Excuse me?! Miss Nerdabeth Chase has a boyfriend! Impossible!" She said rudely. "Oh and since you're wondering, my new boyfriend Adam, he's great! But I think he might be cheating on me with Miranda... Oh well! I'm cheating on him with Ben, anyways!" She was ranting. Wow, she is really an airhead if she goes around the school telling people she hates about who she is cheating on with who.

"Why are you telling us this? Don't you know what sarcasm is, genius?" My friend Annika who was also standing next to us said.

"Well thanks, I know I'm a genius!" She said happily.

"Guess not." I mumbled.

"So anyways!" Prissy shouted, annoyed. "You have a boyfriend! I didn't think that was possible! So wait, lemme guess! He's from Canada and no one but you know who he is! Because he's non-existent. As she was shouting I saw Annabeth smile and nod, as if giving a code like, I'll be right there!

I turned to look where she was looking and I only saw a cute boy with sea green eyes and black hair. I had never seen him at our school before. He had just walked threw the front doors of the school.

"Listen, Prissy I have to go, so will have to continue this chat some other time." Annabeth said. Starting to walk off, but Prissy held out her hand trying to block Annabeth from walking forward. Annabeth turned her head and glared at Prissy but before she could say anything something happened.

The water fountains that we were standing next to suddenly, exploded! The water steered completely clear of us, but Prissy however... Well she was drenched! I had never seen a water fountain explode this big! It was like a geyser! We all stepped back but Annabeth just started chuckling.

Suddenly, Prissy jolted her head towards Annabeth as fast as lightning. "WHAT IS SO FUNNY ABOUT THIS?!" She screamed, intentionally towards Annabeth, but ended up screaming at air. We turned are heads in unison to see Annabeth kissing the boy that was there. "WHAT! SHE ACTUALLY HAS A BOYFRIEND?! HOW MUCH DID YOU PAY HIM?! I WANT TO BUY THAT GUY!!!!! HE'S WAY BETTER THEN BEN!"

That was the day I met Annabeth's boyfriend, which was pretty strange.. They ended up leaving afterwards saying something about summer camp? We all argued that it was October but, they still ended up leaving. I didn't see her again after that.


WOOT WOOT, K so I just noticed that this story reached 1k which is totally awesome! :D!!

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