P: Guilt T: Guilty/ Thoughtful / Hopeful

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Intro: I'm listening to still bathing by Mayday Parade

The guilt that I feel from the thought

Matrina pointed out that I sought

The wrong thing at the wrong time

I'm truly sorry that I wanted that

And I even asked you afterwards

What would you do if I cuddled with her

You weren't clear at first

But then I got it out of you

You said you didn't want that

And at first I was thinking

I don't want you

But that's not true now

I'm being bombarded with thoughts

The true meaning between you and me

It's becoming clearer after this

In the past

Something like this was a joke

But now

It's different

It's what opened up my eyes and showed

Who you really are to me

And your effects on me

Because now I feel guilty

Even though we didn't do anything

The fact that I missed holding her in my arms

And the fact that I'm still with you

I've anted different

Ever since we were

But my friend Matrina has pointed out the worst

How could you do something like that

When I tell you about a guy who does something like that

I tell you how it hurts

And you assure me that it'll work

But then I gave up

And you told me not to

So I got over it

And now here you are

I'm worried Daniel

Why would you go so far?

My heart starts to race

And I feel the nerves kick in

I don't know what to stay

But I stare into your eyes anyway

You look at me and I feel the disappointment

I can hear your thought or at least your voice in my head

I didn't think you'd that

Something like that

I don't understand

But it's true

I miss her

My best friend Skyler

When I could hold her in my arms and just feel her warm and listen to her breath as she always fell asleep before me

I loved to hold her

I loved to just be by her side

When we held hands I would smile

And she would sigh

All The Obstacles Never End Mentally, Enthusiastic Notes TakenWhere stories live. Discover now