E: Thinking out loud T: Determined

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  I’ve seen it so much on Tumblr I can’t take it anymore. Feminism and Rape. Just whoa. As I guy I don’t understand this. Why would I rape anyone? When I want to have sex with a girl we’re either in a relationship or I like her but I won’t force her into anything. Problem is, if I do… Then why should I have sex with a girl when she’s my girlfriend and she allows me but then later she gets mad at me for something maybe serious or not then all the sudden I’m a sex offender. Like. What? Us guys don’t all just grab a girl and fuck her after the first date or the first meeting. I mean, we all have mortals to you know? We just have this instincts for some of these things but that doesn’t mean we can’t control it. As a guy I’d rather have sex with a girl who wants me to have sex with her because how is it fun for her if I’m the only one who likes it. I personally think that I rather fuck a girl who’s willing to do more with me not just spread her legs for me. Now why only do that?

  There’s more than one thing that I can cover now that I think about it. But at this point I want to mention that I’m not here to get anyone to agree or disagree with me. This is just my opinion. If you don’t agree with it fine. Tell me what you think but don’t insult me because I didn’t plan on insulting you.

  When it comes to woman’s rights I wonder why? The woman in my life do whatever the hell they want. I’ve always treated them as equals. The one thing that I did learn from church that I’ve kept is, “Love your neighbor as yourself.” Okay, well, I would want people to treat me as an equal so I’ll do the same. Another quote that I have lived by is, “Treat others the way you want to be treated.” I already explained that one but the point’s across.

  I used to be a huge equality person. Now I’m more of a freedom person. For the longest time I thought these two things came to together and with the way I was raised it seems that way. It seems like Freedom equals equality or equality equals freedom. I believe that there need to be status. Not one ruler. Multiple. Opinions. They at least need to be accepted. They don’t have to be agreed with but they need to be accepted.

  When a girl wants to show off her body she needs to know the consequence. Roman and men alike need to understand that once they come together and they have unprotected sex or sex in general that there’s a chance that there will be a bond between the two. If I were to get a girl pregnant I’d stay by her side. If I found out that I had sex while I was drunk and there is now a pregnant woman out there with our baby then I won’t leave her or I’ll try to find her. If I don’t know that I have a child I’ll attempt to explain that I didn’t abandon them.

  The older I get the more I find single parents, guardians, or divorced situations in the younger generation. And I don’t want that. I want my kid to be raised by me. No one else other than their mother and family within those circles. If the woman that has had my baby decides to leave I will do ALL in my power to get her to stay because for the sake of my child for the sake her child. I don’t want any chance of emptiness.

  Back to the feminism real quick. If you want to show off you body do it. Just know what you’re getting yourself into. And your rights? You have them. And you don’t. Then don’t go around with your shirt and bra off saying we want rights. That screams out to me we want something else. There are times when a person needs to be presentable. Dressing like that in my opinion for woman’s rights isn’t the best way to go.

  At this point I’ve learned that the only way to fix what I want to fix is by doing it myself. When I speed down the freeway. I never do it alone. I may be the lead speeder or just someone who wants to get somewhere but I’m always speeding in groups because the cop won’t stop us because there are too many. When it comes to wanting a change I know that there’s someone out there who agrees with me and that’s why it’s okay for me to ‘speed’. Because I never go out on my own knowing that everyone’s against me, knowing that those cops are going to come get me especially since I know that there are people out there who see the world parallel or at least similar to me.

All The Obstacles Never End Mentally, Enthusiastic Notes TakenWhere stories live. Discover now