P: Last Minute Thoughts T: Confused, Angry, Frustrated, Hopeful

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I’m afraid for our future

I really am but I want this

I guess this is commitment

I want to do all in my power to be with you

You don’t understand how serious this is

Because you’re not serious half the time

When you’re with me and when I talk of suicide or demise.  

You hate it when I speak like that

Here’s the thing

I’m a wreck

And you have to deal with me

I’m pretty positive that you don’t know what love really is

But I intend to teach you that

It’s not a good thing that I’m your first

I rather you develop and work out some things

But you’re not my first

And my first and I have worked out a development

I am a trustworthy, loyal, and honest friend of yours.

Aside from being yours.

And that is what pushes me to try and save you

Save you from stupidity

She’s afraid of me

And afraid of what I’ll do

I understand that

I honestly don’t know how things are going to work out

But if we’re meant to be we’re meant to be

When I first met your family I thought it was odd that I felt so welcomed

As if I was already a part of it

And it was just as easy to feel disowned from it

I’m working with my mind to try and figure out a solution

I want to be with you and I know you want to be with me

I’m an inspiration to you

And you’re someone important to me

I want to teach you

Regardless of the relationship

You’re a good girlfriend

You’re putting your all into this.

I can see that you’re trying

I know that you think it’s hard

But you really do want to be with me

And I want to be with you

So much I’ll go through any ritual that I need

I never thought about it


With anyone else but her

But this is now

And this is how

I have to jump in and observe

When I place myself in society

When I become a part of it

I pick the things I want

And get what I can out of it

In this case though

I don’t know what to choose

I’ve done my best

Now I just have to jump with this blindfold

Into the shark pit

If I move they’ll bite

So I’ll do what I can

And make my strike

I love you

And I will do anything I can to be with you

This is a choice that I think over and over

My thoughts

So cluttered

I love you

None the less

What do I chose

To quit?

Not a chance

I’ll do what I will with what I have.

I love you. I hope you understand. 

All The Obstacles Never End Mentally, Enthusiastic Notes TakenWhere stories live. Discover now