Bearing Life (Moved)

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Go onto the story below if you want this is just a notice that I mosed Bearing Kufe from story form to within this poetry book because I felt that it was appropriate.

I don't know what to tell myself every day. I breathe in and I feel like water has filled my lungs. I can't breathe. I gasp for air and I receive it but I still feel like I'm drowning. Drowning in panic. I can't do this. I can't. My breath, it's being taken away. It's being taken away because I'm panicking. Why am I panicking? Why? What's wrong with me?

When I kiss her I can breathe. When I hold her hand I can breathe. When she's around-I can breathe. Let me... Let me breathe. Please... Please! I scream in my head as I reach for her. She turns. She looks at me. Her eyes meet mine. H-help m-me.... I choke.

Her eyes full of the compassion, the compassion that I created. She smiles, and then her eyes go dark. I feel the air thicken and my breathing weakens. Tears form in my eyes. She stares-she watches me die. My hand reaching out to her, she doesn't move, she just stares. And then I hear in my head a voice. One clear, a voice that my heart skips a beat when I hear it-hers.

This is what you've done to me. Now it's your turn to sleep. I hope you're happy. Because once you wake it'll never be the same again. Good night, sweet precious nightmares.

All The Obstacles Never End Mentally, Enthusiastic Notes TakenWhere stories live. Discover now