Breaker: A Special Thank You

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I decided that the Breakers that I am posting for now on will be to a couple or few people. They will also be used to dedicate to those who will help me edit. Thanks for reading. You guys are awesome.

TadMerril - Since I read all your poetry I've though about what you've written. (I've read everything up until the day I've published this anyway XD. You really got me thinking. I wish I could have commented on everything you wrote but I never know what to write except, "Good Job." "Keep it up" and "That was awesome." So I'll leave it to my poetry that reflects on yours about what you inspired me to do.

  I like your music interest by the way. It's like exactly like mine XD

Marilyn King - Commenting on Countered Reputations has helped me think over what I've written. I wrote it so long ago that I don't think twice about it. I read your poetry and I think it's great. It has helped me think in a different way as well. You're doing me a great dead by looking over what I've wrote. The last chapter I wrote was in November of last year I believe. It's not done and since you're reading and commenting I can focus on rewriting the next chapter that I wrote but don't like. Again, thank you for your support and your awesomeness.

frimohuggz - Do I even have to start with you? XD You're like a sister to me and you've done a lot in my life. I'm going to keep this short because you should know how much I appreciate you. OR at least you know the start it XD.

All The Obstacles Never End Mentally, Enthusiastic Notes Takenحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن