Chapter 5

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Maggie stood at the far end of the field and watched the rest of the soccer game. Her son was really good, she saw that, and for a moment couldn't help thinking that this was no surprise. Like his father he was a gifted athlete, and she knew that she had nurtured his love of sport with her own active lifestyle. She stood by herself until the crowd had thinned out enough to see that Matt was not among those still congratulating the players and gatherine their belongings. She walked over to where Jimmy was talking excitedly to his coach.

"He, bud, great game!" Jimmy beamed, and grabbed her hand. "Thanks, Mom. Oh, this is my coach, Mr. Simon. His son is Greg, that kid over there." He gestured toward a plump boy with glasses who stood at the edge of the field, clearly ready to leave.

"How do you do, Ms. O'Leary. Jimmy's a great player, and I think we're going to have a great season."

"Mom, mom!" Jimmy interrupted. "What can I eat? I'm STARVING!" Waving their goodbyes, mother and son started toward their car, carrying the boy's heavy backpack between them as they walked. As usual, Jimmy was eager to tell his mother every detail of his day, from morning assembly to what happened in after school care until another mother walked him over to the soccer field for the game. Maggie was grateful that she didn't have to say anything; she felt dazed and numb and although she nodded and smiled appropriately, she didn't remember later anything Jimmy had said.

When she finally sat in the car and buckled her seat belt, Maggie realized how exhausted she really was. She just didn't have the energy to prepare dinner; since finally moving out of her parents' house a few months ago she had realized that feeding a hungry boy with healthy meals was no small feat.

"I'll tell you what, buddy. Just this once, how about we grab some burgers for dinner?" Jimmy shouted with excitement – this was a rare treat in his young life. Usually he got fast food only when he stayed over with one his cousins. He didn't like to complain but his mother wasn't as good of a cook as his Nana, and he was more than ready for a special treat.

It wasn't until his mother was tucking him into bed that Jimmy posed the question she was dreading. "Mom, who was that man at the field today?"

"Just somebody I knew a long time ago," she said briskly. She pulled the covers up tightly and kissed his cheek. "It's late, buddy, time for sleep."

"Mom, is that man my dad?" Maggie had started to stand up, but now she fell back onto her son's bed.

"What do you mean? I mean, why would you ask that?" she said in a shaky voice.

"I look like him, don't I? And you aid you used to know him a long time ago." Maggie's thoughts were racing, and she was unable to speak.

Jimmy spoke, all in a rush. "A couple of weeks ago, Ben asked me about my dad. I told him I didn't know him, and Ben said maybe it was his Uncle Matt because I looked just like him. He even showed me a picture of him as a kid, and it looked like me. It would be so cool if Ben and I were cousins!"

Finally, Maggie was able to speak. "Look, bud, you have a right to know who your father is, but not tonight, okay?"

Her son looked rebellious. "You NEVER want to tell me about my dad."

"I know. I will, I promise. Tomorrow is Saturday and we'll talk about it after breakfast okay? I promise we will."

Her son nodded; the long day was catching up with him and despite his curiosity he was getting sleepy. "G'night Mom", he yawned as she kissed him again. He rolled onto his side and snuggled under the covers, falling almost instantly asleep. Maggie saw again what she had been trying not to see for the past 8-1/2 years: how very like his father he really was. Sighing, she crept out of the room and, shutting off the lights as she walked, gratefully went to her own room and sank down onto the bed. What, oh what, she thought as she drifted off to sleep, was she going to do now?

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