Chapter 12

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The next morning, Matt placed a call to his brother's office.

"What's up, buddy?" Sean's voice was bright. He was always happy to hear from his younger brother, and usually he had to place the calls.

"Do you have time for lunch today?"

Sean considered. His calendar was unusually light, and he did have a two hours mid-day that he blocked out for catching up on some research. Matt didn't ask unless it was really important, and it was an easy decision.

"Sure. Where do you want to eat?"

Matt hesitated. "Why don't you come over to my place? I'll fix some sandwiches or something, and it'll be quiet. I need to talk."

"Sure, bro, I'll be there in an hour."

Hanging up the phone, Sean wondered what had his brother sounding so serious and glum. He didn't have to wait long to find out.

Sean hadn't visited Matt's apartment since the day the Ranger had first met his son, and he was surprised to see how much more home-like it had become in that short time. Not only were there tables, but pictures were on the walls and even a potted plant in the window. He peeked into the second bedroom, which previously had been mostly empty with a few boxes of books lying around. Now the books were on shelves and a dresser and bunk beds, with matching quilts and curtains, filled the cozy space. There were even shelves of toys and the kind of umbrella chair that Ben loved in the corner.

"What do you want to drink with lunch?" Matt called from the efficient little kitchen.

"Got any iced tea?"

"Yeah, I can do that." A moment later Matt appeared in the small dining area and set two glasses on the placemats laid ready.

"Placemats! Napkins too! Man, you're turning into a real domestic goddess," Sean exclaimed.

"Shut up and eat," Matt pretended to growl, but he was pleased Sean had noticed. His brother and sister-in-law had taken pains to teach him the rudiments of what they called, with an affected simper, "gracious living." Over the years Matt had come to understand the comfort of a well-appointed home, and he felt good that he had finally been able to bring his own small home up to a higher standard. He returned to the kitchen for the sandwiches and a plate of raw vegetables, then took his seat beside Sean.

They ate silently for a moment, both hungry – the Walker brothers had never lacked for appetite - before Matt wiped his mouth with his napkin and started the conversation.

"I guess you want to know what I wanted to talk about."

"Yeah, that would be good." Sean reached for another handful of carrot sticks. He tried to sound casual. "So, what's up?"

There was a long pause as Matt gathered his thoughts. Finally, "It's about Maggie, And Jimmy."

"Not surprising – I thought it might be."

"Jimmy's a great kid. That part is going well, I think. "

Sean nodded. "It was great seeing you together. I'd say he's crazy about you. And - you're better, you know, since you met him. You've got some of your old spark back."

"Yeah, I know. The thing is, it, he, gives me something to focus on besides myself. You were right, he is my mission and it feels really good to have one again." He hesitated, then continued: "I'm even thinking about what I might do next. You know, like going back to school. The VA would pay for it."

Sean nodded enthusiastically. Up to this point, his brother had not been willing to even consider the possibility that he would pursue further education.

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