Chapter 13

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That night, as Matt was leaving Maggie's house, she followed him out onto the porch. "Thanks for making the dinner. As usual."

"De nada," he said casually. "Listen Maggie,"

"Listen, Matt..." The both spoke at the same time.

"Go ahead, Maggie, ladies first."

"Matt, I've been thinking about stuff and I think we need to talk. Alone. When we have some time to do it."

"I've been thinking the same thing."

"Well, Jimmy is going to spend Sautrday night with his cousins this week, so I'll be free."

"Dinner? My place?"

Maggie hesitated. "I was thinking we could go a restaurant."

"I'm just asking you for dinner and conversation, Maggie, that's all." He grinned a wicked grin. "I'm more than aware that if anything else is on the agenda we'll never get any talking done. We didn't last time."

She blushed, dismayed at the surge of desire she felt at the memory. "Okay, Dinner and conversation. That's all. Can I bring anything?"

Matt grinned again. "How about some cookies? But you better have your mom make them or buy them at the store." Before she could react to his teasing, he was off down the stairs. Even though it was only dinner and conversation, he was looking forward to Saturday night.

Saturday couldn't come soon enough for Maggie. She was alternately elated, thinking that things were about to work out – that maybe Matt did love her and would be able to forgive – and terrified that her disclosures would bring about a permanent rupture with her son's father.

She dressed carefully, and long deliberation in front of her closet and trying on almost everything she owned. It would be tacky, she thought, to wear something really dressy for a dinner at home, looking longingly at the red dress that clung to her curves and added color to her cheeks. On the other hand she didn't want to look sloppy, or ordinary. She wanted matt to know that this dinner was important to her, that she had made an effort – but not TOO much effort.

Finally, when Jimmy had pounded on her door three times demanding to know when they were leaving, she decided on her favorite skinny jeans with a clingy, vee-necked red top that exposed just the right amount of cleavage. She finished the outfit with red, hand-blown-glass earrings that she had found at the Saturday Market, and a pair of wedge espadrilles that exposed her freshly painted toenails. A swipe of mascara, a dash of red lipstick, and a heavy squirt of perfume completed her preparations. She looked at herself in the mirror and decided that yes, she would do. Just then, Jimmy pounded on the door again.

"Okay son, I'm ready," she said, emerging briskly and grabbing her purse from the coatrack.

"Wow, mom, you're all dressed up! Where are you going?"

Maggie hesitated, then decided that, as always, honesty was the best policy. "I'm going to your dad's for dinner," she said casually. "I'm hoping he'll give me some cooking lessons."

A short while later, having dropped Jimmy at Bob and Chrissy's house, Maggie once again stood on Matt's porch. Before she could knock it, opened, and Chris invited her to enter. He had taken care too, she saw; he was wearing the same khakis he had worn for Jimmy's party, today with a pale blue, short-sleeved shirt. His beard had been freshly trimmed and there was gel in his hair. After a moment's hesitation she offered her cheek for his kiss, and entered the house.

Dinner was tasty and healthy at the same time, a combination Maggie had discovered was hard to find. The main dish was roasted vegetables with shrimp and fresh basil, topped with feta cheese. The blend of flavors tickled her mouth, and she had to control herself not to gobble every bite. A salad of fresh greens accompanied the meal, along with a crisp white wine. Maggie noticed that Matt ate heartily but barely sipped at his wine.

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