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  Setting her back down, she was now completely naked and shivering. To her surprise, he tested the water again with his hand, making sure it wasn't too hot for her. She grimaced as he ran his other hand smoothly up her thigh. His hand was rough. "You have such soft delicate skin," he gazed at her lustfully. "Like a babies. I like it...I like it a lot. Mustn't destroy this. I take good care of my prized possessions," with the look he was giving her, she feared he would rape her at any second.
He picked her up surprisingly gently this time and set her in the tub. She knew the gentleness couldn't last long though.
He comically hummed to himself, seeming to find everything amusing as he soaked a sponge in the water and began scrubbing her back. She could only scrunch her face in response, trying to think about anything else but what was currently happening to her. "I could wash myself you know," she heard herself say.
"No that's a daddies job," he grinned, with amusement in his voice. "Gotta make sure my little one is all clean and gets behind her ears and those other hard to reach places." He mocked her again in a tone of voice one would use to talk to a child. She could almost vomit in disgust. He ran his sponge over to her chest. "Arms down," He ordered, as she was still clutching her arms around her breasts. When she didn't obey, he roughly yanked her arms away from her chest. "What's it gonna take to get you to listen, hm?" He lightly pinched one of her nipples, and she gritted her teeth. "I do enjoy the challenge of forcing you to obey, but being the nice guy that I am, I'm warning you it will only be worse for you if you defy me."
He ran his sponge over her perky breasts. "Besides, I don't know why you want to hide such things of beauty." He continued to whistle and hum, really enjoying his work which disgusted her even more. He ran his sponge down her stomach and towards her pelvis, where she clutched her legs together as tight as possible, not wanting him to go near that area. He smiled to himself, enjoying her torment. He stopped the sponge at the top of her pelvis and scrubbed there. She cringed and she could almost feel the bile seeping it's way up her throat, just waiting for him to begin molesting her there.
Instead he ordered her to stand up. Of course he didn't even wait for a response from her. He stood up himself and grabbing her arms again, he yanked her up, forcing her to stand. He ran his sponge over her bottom, and with a whistle he said "My, my your little tush is still quite red. Though red is one of my favorite colors," he giggled. "You have very delicate skin indeed." He dropped the sponge and ran his hand over her wet cheeks.
Her hands instinctively reached back to shield her bottom from his hand, but he pushed it away. "Uh, uh, uh," he scolded and she suddenly jolted and gasped as he slapped her wet bottom hard. He giggled more at her reaction. "Still sore are we princess? And that was just from my little old hand too. Imagine if I had used my belt, or my cane or any other sort of fun instrument I could think of." He pinched her bottom. "Just keep that in mind sweetheart."
He turned the showerhead on for a moment and she choked and gagged, not expecting the water to come flowing over her head, as he rinsed her off. Then, turning off the shower, he roughly jerked her out of the bathtub. She clutched her arms around herself again, wet and shivering. Humming a tune she didn't recognize, he yanked a towel off the towel rack. It had the printing of a Joker card. Clever. He wrapped it around her and began drying her off vigorously. He rubbed it over her head, her back, her bottom, her legs. She squeaked as he rubbed it over her pussy for a few seconds, his hand clutching it and drying it off through the towel. He cackled at her reaction again as his contact only lasted a few seconds. When he was finished, he dropped the towel over her head. "There, all clean." He smirked.
She quickly pulled the towel off of her head and wrapped it tightly around herself, shielding her nakedness from his depraved eyes. "What's wrong widdle baby? I already saw you naked," He laughed. "Do I make you uncomfortable?" Despite her fear, she gave him a look that could kill. She remained silent, biting her tongue with every ounce of strength she had left. "Now, now don't give me that scowl. Oooh if looks could kill I'd have two daggers in my chest right now. Well, unfortunately for you they can't." He snickered.
Pulling her close to himself, he hugged her little body to his. Her nose barely came up to his chest. He was a rather tall man and she was short already so he towered over her. She tried to pull away instinctively but she was already weak with emotional exhaustion and he held her tight. "Hey," he brought his face down next to her cheek and she could feel his hot breath on her ear. "Knock it off," he slapped her bottom hard through her towel. "Hold still...or else." At those words, she reluctantly submitted to his will. The tone of his voice made her nervous. She went limp in his arms. He was twice her size and there was no way she could escape when he had a hold of her like this. Naked and vulnerable, she prayed to the heavens this nightmare would end soon.
She cringed as she felt his breath on her neck. He inhaled her scent. "Mmm I do love your scent." He whispered in his weird Joker drawl. He rubbed a hand over her back and bottom. He could actually feel her pulse rate increase. Her heart was beating so fast, it seemed it would burst out of her chest at any moment. "Excited are we?" He teased her. "Do I excite you? I must. I can smell your pheromones. They're going out of control." He giggled.
Stacey could only inwardly growl to herself as her face was still buried into his shirt. "Pheromones don't exist," She spoke in muffled words.
"Oh but they do," Smiled the Joker. "And I love how you talk back to me, even when you're completely at my mercy. Isn't that just like a female. They never shut up." He giggled. "Even in your apartment, when you were all sweaty from that little workout of yours, I could smell them. And then you were so thrilled to see me." He joked. "Excited to see such a handsome man waiting in your apartment hmm?" Stacey felt herself throw up and swallow it. She tugged away from him a little bit again, only to have him clutch her tighter.
"Hey," he had a warning in his voice. "It's ok to be excited. It's only natural. Humans are just animals, walking hairless apes. Women crave male dominance. I am the alpha male, the leader of my pack. Even if your modernized brain washed little head tells you otherwise, deep down your instincts are telling you it's time to mate." He giggled. "You want to be taken, don't you? Deny it all you want sweetheart, I know what women write in their romance novels." He laughed hard.
"I doubt you've ever read a romance novel," Stacey spoke. "Or much of anything for that matter" She thought in her head, not wanting to say it out load in fear of another smack.
"I have actually. Let's just say I had a lot of free time on my hands during my little visit to county," he chuckled. "Oh I know what you're thinking. Too busy blowing things up to really read anything hmm? I actually very well read my dear. I know a lot about the world. That's why I do what I do. I know a hell of a lot more than you do darling. You've been kept in Gordan's little bubble all your life, haven't you?"
Stacey didn't answer. She had nothing to say to him. "Silence now," The Joker said with mirth. "Good girl." He brought his face close to her neck again. "Where was I? Ah yes, enjoying those lusty pheromones." She was startled as he brushed his lips against her neck, planting a soft kiss. He felt her jolt. "So excited. I know I'm sexy but you need to relax a little bit doll," he teased. She so wanted to punch his lights out. He began sucking on her neck and her breathing quickened more. If she wasn't so disgusted, it would have felt good. At least he was gentle so far. Still, her nerves were threatening to drown her.
"Please. Please stop." She said weakly.
"What's the matter?" he pulled her away from him, then clutching her chin he forced her to look up at him. "Is it the scars? Do they disgust you? I thought chicks dug scars," he grinned. "Do I...gross you out? Make your stomach turn? Do you wanna know how I got these scars?"
"Honestly, no I don't." Stacey bravely answered.
"I see you only want me for my body. I'm hurt. I'm more than just a piece of meat." The Joker cracked. "Or maybe only interested in me for my wallet. Just like a woman. Tsk tsk." Cackling, he roughly grabbed her arm and drug her out of the bathroom. He forced her to sit on the bed. She was still wrapped in her towel.
"It's time for bed anyway. Daddies gotta get up early tomorrow. Lot's of meetings, planning and work to be done." He grinned evilly. He removed his shirt and hung it up very anally. Despite being a psychopath, Stacey noticed he seemed to like things clean and organized. He was tall and lean, but well built. He wasn't very hairy and Stacey noticed the scars apparent all over his chest and back. Scars from knife wounds, perhaps bullet hole wounds and who knows what else. His body had taken quite a beating over the years, not that he cared. She was in the presence of a man who feared nothing. No fear of pain nor death or loss. That in itself was scary. Dealing with a psychopath with no fear was the worst.
He noticed her eyeing his scarred but otherwise attractive form. "Look at you staring. You know you want me. Not tonight sweetie. It'll have to wait." He chuckled, and she felt herself inwardly hurl again. "I take it you're smart enough not to try and run out of the room as I take off my face," laughed the Joker. "You are naked and this house is full of horny men who never really see females. That would be like throwing a little bunny to a pack of wolves." He grinned playfully at her as he went back to the bathroom to wash his makeup off in the sink.
She shuddered, still holding the towel tightly around herself. When he returned, his makeup completely washed off, he actually looked like a normal person. Stacey would almost say he looked completely different, if not for the slight scars on his mouth and the wild Joker eyes. He looked a lot younger than one would expect from his persona. Thick golden brown hair hung over his brown eyes. He was almost handsome. Ok, so Stacey couldn't admit it to herself, but her kidnapper was handsome.
Despite his scars, if one were to see him walking down the street, in normal attire, they would see a handsome young man with a wild gleam in his eye. He would be a handsome, charming and charismatic fellow if he wasn't a complete lunatic. No one knew much of his past, but something horrible must have happened to him. There had to be a reason. "I'm glad to see you don't wear your...'face' to bed." Said Stacey. She was starting to feel a little bit more at ease knowing that he probably wasn't going to kill her. Sure, she was his captive and she was sitting on his bed naked against her will, but what else could she do?
The Joker smirked at her. "I know. I wouldn't want to hide all this beauty while I get my beauty sleep." He chuckled. "I know you were just dying to kiss my handsome mug without the makeup too." He laughed. Stacey inwardly scoffed. But for a moment, as the moonlight from outside hit the Joker's pale form he almost appeared to be a fallen angel, handsome but so hurt and abused by the world that he was beaten into a monster. Into this...thing that he was now.
He yanked his pants off last, and of course he was wearing boxers that had joker prints on them. Even all of his boxers were custom made. "Are you going to cling that towel around you in bed sweetheart?"
"Yes and I think I'm ok with sleeping on the floor," Stacey shot back quickly. "Could I please have something to wear? Please?"
"Actually I prefer you naked and near me," he nearly drooled. "And you don't wanna sleep in the little princess bed I had made especially for you? You have been quite the rude little girl so far. Tsk." He sat down next to her on the bed quickly. He tilted her face to look at him. "Kiss me and I might allow you to wear something to bed," he told her gruffly. He licked his lips and she cringed.
She of course hesitated, but she really didn't wanna sleep naked with him in the same room. Of course if he wanted to rape her, he would just rip off whatever she had on anyway. He suddenly grabbed her hair and yanked her face closer to his. She let out a small 'ow' as he did this.
"Kiss me without me forcing your lips to mine, or sleep cold and naked. Learn to obey me." He hissed dangerously. Not wanting to anger him further, and knowing the possible consequences, she reluctantly leaned forward and pecked him on the lips. But he held her there by the back of her head and forcefully kissed her back. She squeaked as his mouth engulfed hers and he forced her down on the bed to where she was laying on her back. With him on top of her, kissing her roughly, she expected him to rape her now. But to her surprise, he stopped and pulled away. He chuckled to himself again and walked to the dresser on the other side of the room. Opening a drawer, he pulled out a skimpy pink girlish little night gown and tossed it to her.
She grabbed the night gown and quickly slipped it over herself, dropping the towel on the floor. The Joker hopped on the bed beside her, then roughly yanked on her arm, forcing her to lay down beside him, her back turned to him. "There, see what happens when you obey me?" He whispered in her ear. "What do we say, hm? I don't have to be this generous you know."
"Thanks," Stacey said, trying to hide the annoyance in her voice.
"Thanks what?" the Joker asked in a mocking voice again. Stacey could almost turn around and punch him in the nose, but she knew he'd most likely beat her with something else.
"Thanks daddy," Stacey said quickly, and felt herself cringe.
"That's my girl," The Joker snickered. He cuddled her to himself, knowing how much it bugged her. He knew she wouldn't be getting much sleep tonight. "Better not try anything while I'm asleep little bunny. I got you right here, and remember. I will find you. And then more spankings for the little bunny. Probably not as fun as the last one." He ran his hand over her skimpy nightgown feeling her bottom. She wasn't wearing any panties underneath and she shivered at his touch.
He seemed to be as close as he could possibly get to her and she knew she was going to have the worst night of her life. There was no way she was going to sleep. She could only pray that he fell asleep soon. Right now she diverted her attention to the window, watching the leaves rustle in the tree outside and the fool moon that shone behind it. In her tired mind, she ran over possible escape plans. It was going to be a long night.  

The Joker's New Toy { Wattys 2016}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora