Third Murders A Charm

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The Joker very carefully lifted the terrified weepy girl into his arms, and carried her down the hallway. She clung onto his shirt, and buried her head into his chest trembling like a traumatized puppy. "Sh, sh, sh, little bunny," He continued to quiet her in an unusually gentle voice. One of his burly henchmen was standing in the hallway and at the sight of the Joker cradling Stacey in his arms and comforting her with gentle words, he shot the Joker a befuddled look.

At the sight of his large henchman, the tranquil look in the Joker's pupils immediately disappeared, and he glared at the man with eyes like daggers. "What are you looking at?" he snapped.

The man's demeanor switched from confused to nervous. "Na-nothing boss! Just wanted to let you know that we threw Doctor Crane out." The man stuttered.

"Good," The Joker grunted, licking his lips. He kept Stacey's face pressed against his shirt. He knew that if she saw the large henchman she would most likely freak out in her drugged up state. "Now get out of my way."

"Y-yes boss!" The Man peeped and trotted down the stairs out of the Joker's path.

The Joker carried her back to his room and very gently laid her down on his bed. "Now you just lay here and rest," he said softly.

When he pulled away from her for a moment, she grabbed onto his sleeve and pulled him back. "No! Don't leave me, don't leave me, don't...!"

"Sh, sh, sh," He quieted the panicking girl. "Don't worry. I'm not going anywhere," He whispered tenderly. He lied down next to her and cuddled against her, stroking her hair and whispering comforting words into her ear as if she were a frightened child. He ran his hands down her back and bottom. He felt her jerk when his hand reached her bottom, and then he recalled the damage he must have done to her poor backside.

A devious thought flashed across his mind about pounding her while she was in this drugged out state and wearing the Batman mask as he was doing it, making her believe that Batman was raping her. "No!" He abruptly yelled at himself, arguing with his own mind. "No, you're not taking over," He inadvertently groped Stacey's bottom hard causing her to yelp. "Not this time." He growled.

"Ah!" Stacey whined. The pain somehow felt enhanced in her condition. The Joker realized what he was doing, and immediately released his pressure.

"Sorry little bunny, sorry. Sh, sh. It's okay," he coed and stroked her little bottom lovingly. He pulled her tightly against his body and growled on the inside, suppressing another part of himself. He inwardly warned a certain personality that he better stay put for a little while.


Eight years Earlier...

The Joker and Croc had parked way up in the hills, overlooking the bright lights of Gotham. The Joker carelessly leaned against his car, enjoying a Cuban cigar with Croc. A Cuban cigar he had found in Paulie Torlini's pocket. Normally, the Joker despised smoking. But this was a special occasion. He had spent the night scattering Paulie's dismembered body parts around the city, and after all that work he felt he deserved to relax.

Plus, it was almost like he was smoking the blood of his enemy. And at that thought, the cigar tasted bittersweet. Already two down, one of them a mob man. And Jack, who now called himself the Joker, was far from finished. But the odds were stacked against him. The rest of his targets were all high-ranking mobsters, and a couple of them were in the police force. What the Joker was planning would have seemed psychotic to any rational human being.

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