Celebrating Insanity

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The Joker had forced the delirious Stacey to remain in bed for the next two days. He had assured her that she had hit her head pretty hard, and that he was worried about her health. He did not allow her to leave that room during that time, instead keeping her occupied with DVDs. He brought her a selection of old movies to watch on the flat screen T.V that hung on the wall before their bed. He had made sure to cut the T.V cables so that Stacey had no chance of catching a newsflash on television.

The Joker had to stifle a snicker when he presented Stacey's supposed 'favorite' movies before her. Most of the selection consisted of Disney movies. The Joker could almost guffaw at the thought. Good thing the previous owners had a nice vast collection of movies lying around. The Joker assured Stacey that her favorite movie of all time was 'Beauty and the Beast,' and that she enjoyed watching it over and over again.

The Joker didn't particularly like movies himself. Though he did get a kick out of 'It' and 'Killer clowns From Outer space.' He couldn't show Stacey his favorites though. She was still in a fragile state of mind and if he wanted his plan to work, he would have to restrain himself for the time being.

And he was doing a surprisingly good job of it. He had not attempted to ravage her, or even touch her inappropriately for two days. Two whole days! Jack had a hand in that, but the Joker reassured himself that he was doing this for a reason. Corrupting Gordon's little brat was his intention. Just so he could get under Gordon's skin. Right? Yes, it was a game to him. That had to be it. He was enjoying the game and the challenge of completely turning the Commissioner's daughter around and becoming his willing pet.

'Yeah right, just keep telling yourself that. You just don't want to be alone again do you? All those years without a woman's companionship affected you more than you wanted to admit didn't it?'

'Shutup Jack. Maybe we should fry her up in front of dear old dad after we get bored with our little project hmm?'

'I don't think you have the balls to do that.'

'I don't think you have any balls at all Jack, Jack.'

'You just try it and I'll slam your face into a bed of nails. Now let's get back to our little project hmm?'

The Joker felt his eye twitch. The two voices were arguing in his brain again. God they were annoying. Wait. If he was listening to both Jack and the Joker talk and they were both annoying him, then who was he? Oh well, best to just tune them out for now. He decided to do that by whistling. And so he whistled his way up the stairs, carrying a tray of stew that he had one of his slaves brew for Stacey.

The Joker slowly opened the door to the room with a large grin plastered across his painted face. Stacey was sitting up against the headboard, mindlessly watching 'Beauty and the Beast' on the screen. She actually did enjoy this colorful little animated movie. She smiled at the Joker as he walked in and closed the door behind him. "I brought my little princess her lunch," he said cheerily and sat down on the bed by her side.

"I think I remember why I like this movie so much daddy J. Or at least I have a guess," Stacey said with a small smile, though her eyes still had a hint of pain in them.

The Joker raised an eyebrow at her. "Do tell baby doll."

"Well the story is so beautiful," Said Stacey. "It must have reminded me of our relationship."

The Joker's New Toy { Wattys 2016}Where stories live. Discover now