Getting Let Off The Leash

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Ok sorry, not much kink in this chapter. The next chapter will have definite kink. For those of you grossed out by the "daddy" thing, remember that Stacey is an adult and it's just the Joker's way of messing with her head and humiliating her. NOTHING to do with Incest or pedophilia as I think both are the sickest things on the planet. Just throwing that out there! I do apologize if the Joker does show a soft side as well. I am a sap. I can't help it. By the way I just realized I've been spelling Gordon as Gordan. Quite annoying and just a typo. I fixed it in this chapter. Anyway enjoy!


Stacey trembled as the Joker led her down the stairs behind him on his leash. She struggled to walk in the platform heels he made her wear, and prayed he would slow down a bit so she wouldn't end up falling down the stairs and breaking her neck. A group of his cronies gathered around the living room, and all eyes were fixated on her in her new skimpy little schoolgirl outfit. If they had seen her anywhere else, Stacey would have gotten an earful of whistling and hollering. But this was the Joker's house, and she was his pet. And so the room fell deathly silent as the group of otherwise large intimidating men were scared stiff, not wanting to acknowledge Stacey's presence in fear of angering their boss.

The men had been drinking beer and happily chattering prior to the Joker and Stacey joining them. Now they all held their tongues, some of them clearing their throats nervously, wondering if they were allowed to be celebrating. Stacey yelped as the Joker tugged her to his side and put his arm around her clinging her beneath it possessively. "Gentlemen" he said calmly. "Please, continue. You all did well today. Very good." The men felt more at ease, smiling and nodding at their boss's approval. They tilted their beer cans to him and continued on with their happy chatter.

The Joker pulled Stacey with him over to the couch that was settled in the middle of the living room. The few men that had been sitting on it had quickly moved, clearing the way for their boss and his pet. The Joker sat himself comfortably on the couch pulling Stacey down with him. He cuddled her to himself as he put his feet up on the coffee table. Snapping his fingers he said "Stanley. Glass of Merlot if you don't mind-uh. One for the lady too please," he ordered one of his henchmen, a younger blond fellow. The Joker only drank classy liquor. He felt plain old watered down beer was beneath him. His goon obediently complied and quickly brought them two glasses of wine, handing one to his boss and attempting to hand the other to Stacey.

"I don't feel much like drinking, but thank you," Stacey said weakly.

The Joker squeezed her arm. "What's the matter? Don'tchya wanna celebrate with us darlin?" The Joker asked. "I think you need to relax a little. You're always so tense. And a little wine is good for you. But just a little bit," the Joker snickered and forcefully took the glass from Stanley and handed it to her. Knowing that it was no use to argue with him, ever, Stacey took the glass and sighed within herself. Perhaps a little wine would be good for her to help ease her of her misery.

"Let's see what's on the tube shall we?" said the Joker to his henchmen, and at those words one of his men handed him the remote to the large flat screen T.V that hung on the wall before them. The Joker turned it on and immediately breaking news appeared on the screen.

Stacey felt her stomach drop as a brunette reporter appeared on T.V, a sea of smoke and debris flowing behind her and fire fighters eagerly trying to put out the remaining fires on what was once an elaborate structure that had recently been blown to bits. "This is Laurie Woods on location at what was once 'Gotham State University.' Fortunately no casualties have been found. The entire building has been evacuated and no known injuries have been reported."

The Joker's New Toy { Wattys 2016}حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن