Play Time At The Mall

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 More smut ahead. Don't worry, I promise there will be more plot to this lol.


No one really quite understood the Joker's logic except the Joker himself. Not even his men knew exactly what they were getting into and why, whenever a new job would arise. All they knew was that he was somehow loaded, and he paid a pretty penny. The ones who worked for money that is. The Joker also had a fleet of mentally deranged, paranoid schizophrenic lunatics who worshiped the ground he walked on. An unhinged cult gathering that would follow their master into the very fires of hell. It didn't matter what the task was, they trusted his word and did as he bade. The fact that the Joker was such a charismatic speaker also didn't hurt.

He had a voice that was magnetic and disturbing at the same time. He was a certified genius, tested at Arkham, and a master of manipulation. If it's one thing he knew well, it was people, and he chose weak minds to entrap and bend to his will. He figured that if the clown prince of crime super villain thing hadn't worked out he could always go become a psychiatrist. Perhaps he would even have his own show. 'Doctor J' did have a nice ring to it.

Stacey was trying her best to understand the Joker's twisted logic. He seemed to be loaded with cash, and yet here he was having an entire mob take over the Palisades Galleria because he felt like going shopping that day. He could have gotten some movie makeup and plastered it on his scars, worn regular civilian clothing and no one would have been the wiser. But that wasn't his style.

He preferred things to be 'theatrical.' He was a performer at heart, and he just had to make a grand entrance everywhere he went, wither he bore a disguise or not. He had to put on a good show. Though that wasn't the only reason. Everywhere he went he usually decided that it was his property, like an animal marking his territory. Little by little, he planned to take over the entire city. He would own Gotham, and perhaps beyond. He knew he never quite fit well into society but it wasn't him who was the problem. He was the evolved race, ions above everyone else. He was the superior alpha male, and they were bumbling little monkeys who would soon be cowering at his feet.

So that's why he preferred to just take over the mall for his little shopping spree. That and he hated lines and dealing with rude teenaged employees. And crowds of any sort. He'd rather they get out of his way. And it was always so fun to see the frightened expressions of innocent little civilians. He did so love an audience.

They had entered through Macy's, Stacey still clad in her gothic attire and the Joker holding her tightly by her leash, which was getting to be rather bothersome. He had it wrapped around his palm to where there was no room between her neck and his hand, and the collar was starting to dig into her delicate skin. She wished he would just hold her by the arm, but he wanted to make extra sure they she didn't slip out of his grasp. Not even for a second.

Legions of beefy clown guardsmen had already begun taking over the outside of the mall and it's parking lots before the Joker and his group even arrived. The men who left his hide out weren't the only ones on the job. A couple of big rigs full of clowns had already pulled up in the loading area of the galleria and got down to business. Now there were at least two large clown guardsmen with machine guns patrolling every entrance of the mall.

The rest of the Joker's army all had their own missions. Some were sent to disarm the Mall's security system, while others were sent to round up the employees and civilians.

The Joker strolled casually through Macy's, pulling Stacey tightly by his side. His goons were already running ahead of him, shooting their guns up in the air and ordering any shoppers or employees to get on the ground. Shoppers were screaming and running around frantically, some dropping to the floor at the sound of gunshots being fired into the air. "Now, now everyone just do as the nice clowns say and no one will get hurt." The Joker announced nonchalantly. He was also now bearing a clown mask. "We're just doing a little sweep of the mall is all."

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