Home Sweet Home

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The sun was already peeking out over the mountains by the time the Joker and Stacey got back to the estate. Stacey had fallen asleep in the passenger seat, clearly exhausted from a rough night of nearly being raped and murdered. The Joker looked over at his little bunny, and a small smile pursed his red lips. Stacey looked the most peaceful than the Joker had ever seen her look. Her cheeks were flushed and her skin was glowing. Her smooth, pretty face looked serene.

Perhaps it was the look of relief. Relief that she finally felt safe after months of being locked away with the most feared man in Gotham, and now knowing that the most feared man in Gotham had no intention of harming her (thanks to that annoying Jack.) The most feared man in Gotham had actually saved her life tonight. And having someone like the Joker as your protector was not a bad thing. Not a bad thing at all.

The Joker pulled up into the large driveway of his mansion, and he couldn't stop himself from letting out a trademark Joker giggle when he saw that Stanley was still waiting for him on the porch. Stanley had fallen asleep too it seemed. He was resting his back against the wall by the door. His legs were stretched out and his mouth was hanging open. Despite the wound he still had on his leg, and the large bandage that covered it, he had proved himself to be quite a trooper.

He had also turned into an overly pleasing puppy dog ever since he had gotten on the Joker's bad side. Sometimes his over eagerness annoyed the Joker. But hey, better an annoyingly subservient doormat for a goon over a defiant one.

The Joker parked the van and got out. He had a bounce in his step as he glided over to the passenger side, and opened up Stacey's door. She stirred a little in her sleep as he undid her seatbelt. "We're home little bunny," he whispered gently in her ear. Stacey didn't even open her eyes. She whimpered a little in her sleep, and the Joker grinned. "My little baby's too tired to move I see," he said, mainly just talking out loud to himself.

He reached into the van and gently scooped the petite girl up into his arms. Luckily, she barely weighed a thing, so scooping her up was like scooping up a bundle of feathers. He carried her up the steps, and as he passed by Stanley, his sadistic side decided to have a little fun. He kicked Stanley in his wounded leg, and Stanley's eyes suddenly shot open as if he had been jolted awake by an electroshock weapon. His hands immediately gripped his leg and he made a whimpering noise. "Riiise and shinnne sleeping beauty," said the Joker in a deep sinister growl. "Oh look at you. Aren't you the good little doggy? Waiting on the porch for your master to arrive home," he snickered.

"B-boss," said Stanley. "You're back...with the girl? I thought you got rid of her? I figured you were gonna go gut her up and throw her remains in the lake or something?"

The Joker merely glared at Stanley. The look in his dark eyes made Stanley shudder, and he knew that he somehow had said the wrong thing. "What I meant to say is..."

"What I do is none of your business anyway boy," the Joker snapped. "Now be a good dog and keep your yap shut, or I might just have to put a muzzle on you."

Stacey's blue eyes suddenly fluttered open, and she realized her face was nestled in the Jokers shirt. "J?" she whispered in a weary voice.

"Hello there," said the Joker, grinning down at her and displaying his teeth. Ever since the Joker had started brushing again, they were slowly but surely gaining back their whiteness.

"Where are...?"

"Sh, sh," the Joker quieted her. "We're home now little bunny. Home sweet home. Or for those who've crossed me, home sweet hell. But it's not a hell for you anymore is it? No, no, no. You'll be one of the few who can find sanctuary here. And you know why? Because you're mine."

The Joker's New Toy { Wattys 2016}Where stories live. Discover now