Flying Rodents And Psychological Torment

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 I apologize for any grammar and spelling errors in past chapters. When My Girlfriend ( childofthe_night)  was reading it over again she started noticing a ton. I usually get the most creative when I'm half asleep so that's when I usually write. Anyway please read and review and enjoy!


"Please, oh God please you have to find our little girl!" Barbara Gordon wailed as she latched onto the dark caped crusader, tears dripping down his hard armor. She was having a complete breakdown and her husband had to pull her back and restrain her. Jim cradled her in his arms and did his best to try and comfort her, though he couldn't hold back his own tears. The thought of what the Joker could possibly be doing to their oldest daughter was giving him the urge to vomit every five seconds.

Jim looked at Batman attentively. "Please," he couldn't hide the crack in his voice. "I'm lost. You know the Joker better than I. I...I can't do this without your help."

Bruce's years of intensive training had taught him not to show emotion when he was Batman, though inside he was tearing up as well. "I will find her," he said in his raspy voice, remembering the last conversation he had with the Gordons. He couldn't let anything terrible happen to Jim Gordon's daughter. Jim Gordon was one of his best friends, and he vowed to find Stacey.


The Joker pulled Stacey roughly with him. Stacey started hearing gunshots behind them as the Joker's henchmen had already charged at the Bat mobile. They fired erratically at the tank, their bullets ricocheting off the armed vehicle as if they were shooting it with Styrofoam. The Joker yanked Stacey to the foot of the escalator stairs. "Gotta move faster than this kiddo," he grunted and Stacey yelped as he picked her up and threw her over his shoulder with one arm. Then he dashed up the escalator to the upper level.

Stacey managed to raise her head for a moment as the Joker had her lying over his shoulder and within her bouncing vision she could see Batman already taking out a ton of henchmen on his own. Their bullets did nothing to his armor and he had already managed to knock out quite a few of them and disarm some others.

When the Joker had reached the upper level, he placed Stacey down beside him and reaching in his pocket, he pulled out the walkie-talkie thing Stacey had seen him use before. He pressed it up to his lips. "Ladies and gentleman. It appears we have a pest problem. I'm afraid the mall is invested with giant flying rats. Fear not, the exterminators will be here shortly." He spoke into the intercom and his voice echoed across the mall.

After he had spoken, a sudden army of clown snipers appeared around them on the upper level. They all began firing down at the lower level, obviously aiming for Batman. Stacey felt her heart drop, worried about the Batman's safety, but he was avoiding the bullets like a super human. He aimed his grapple gun at the upper level and managed to take out a few of them, the grapple clinging to them and pulling them over the railing. They screamed as they hit the floor, but the fall wasn't high enough to kill them. The Batman never killed. That was his rule.

Stacey watched in horror, but the Joker merely giggled, enjoying the show. She wondered why they weren't already headed for the getaway vehicle, but it occurred to Stacey that this was a game to the Joker, and he was having a delightful time watching the Batman play it. He was like the Game Master in 'Dungeons and Dragons' and Batman was the player who had to get through all of his obstacles.

Stacey gasped when she saw Tiny, the very large man who had ridden with them in the 'ice cream truck' lunge at Batman from behind. As the Batman was busy with the snipers, Tiny leapt on top of him with a warrior's cry. His massive weight forced Batman to topple over on the floor, where Tiny pinned him down like a wrestler.

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