Chapter Twenty: What Would I Do Without Him?

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Ok...ok...I’m a horrible person!!! Heck I'm worse than horrible!! I feel like such a biatch cuz of how long I've made you wait. You guys probably think I'm some mofo ho for making you wait so long...I’M SOOOORRRRRYYY!!

I know I said I would upload yadda yadda yadda but I really have a few excuses; basketball, I snapped my neck, concussion, I went to the hospital blah blah but I hate excuses so really it doesn’t matter. Well I promise I will try to upload the next chappie as soon as possible so for right now here is chappie twenty...i hope the length can make up for my lateness!! Again I'm SOOOORRRRRYYY!!


Chapter Twenty
Dedicated to: kandikool99 FOR OUR AWESOME CONVOS!!! LOVE YA GIRL!!
Rubbing my sleep-filled eyes, I stood up from my bed and stretched my muscles. As I yawned, memories from last night flooded back into my mind as I lazily walked across my room to my bathroom.
My parents had forced the hospital to release me. At first, the hospital refused considering my vulnerable state, but they finally complied when my dad threatened to sue for child hostage.
Picking up my toothbrush, I squirted toothpaste on the thin white bristles and ran it underneath cold water.
Placing the toothbrush in my mouth, I began to brush back and forth. My eyes slowly began to close with every motion and it took all of my energy to not fall asleep.
Spitting out the pasty gunk, I rinsed my mouth and splashed my face attempting to wake myself up. It didn’t work.
Great. Now I was cold and tired.
Glancing in the mirror for the first time that morning, my mouth nearly dropped in horror. I was a wreck. My eyes were bloodshot and lurking underneath them were bags the size of Texas. My hair was held back in a tangled bun and I was not looking forward to combing it out.
Grumbling profanities under my breath, I peeled off my clothes and walked into my shower. Not caring about preserving water—which my parents were highly keen on—I allowed the steaming hot water to run freely for 15 minutes. I only decided to get out when wrinkles began to form on my fingers.
Slouching, I trudged out of the shower and slowly dried myself off ignoring the cold. Heading over to my closet, I grabbed a pair of baggy black sweats and a white tank.
Throwing them on, I grabbed my bag before shuffling out of my room and walking downstairs.
When I reached the kitchen, I immediately noticed a white slip of paper on the counter. Picking it up, I quickly scanned through it.
We had to leave early to attend a makeshift meeting downtown because of your “accident”. There are muffins on top of the oven for you to eat for breakfast. We won’t be back until 2 am tomorrow so stay out of trouble.

Mr. and Mrs. Banks
P.S. Don’t even think about hanging out with that boy again because we’re watching you.
I couldn’t help but roll my eyes at the last sentence. You would think I would be scared by their threat, but in all honesty, I found it annoying and quite...creepy.
Crumpling up the note, I threw it into the garbage, grabbed a muffin, and walked out of my house. At least my mom had been decent enough to give me food. I immediately swallowed my words as I took a bite from the muffin. Well, I tried to take a bite.
It was as stale as a rock. Wrinkling my nose, I frowned. What the hell is this?
Tossing the rock hard muffin into a nearby bush, I slung my bag over my shoulder, and began walking to school.
Grabbing my books, I shoved them into my bag and slammed my locker door shut. My jaw nearly dropped open when I glanced up to see Remy leaning against the locker beside mine. What the heck is he doing here?
“Hey Rooky.”
My mouth opened as I began to respond. It snapped shut immediately after recalling what my father had told me.
If I ever find you socializing with that low-class bottom feeder...
Taking a deep breath, I held my head high and shouldered passed him. I had only taken a few steps when I felt a hand grip my arm tightly. Without turning around, I could easily guess who it was.
“Let go Remy,” I said coldly not facing him.
“But –“
“I said let go,” I seethed through my teeth.
“I'm not letting go Brooklyn.”
Frustrated, I yanked my arm from his grip and took off down the hallway.
Don’t turn around Brooklyn. Just keep walking. Left. Right. Left. Right.
I couldn’t help it. Taking a risk, I peeked over my shoulder. Relief washed over me as I noticed he wasn’t following me. He simply stood there shooting my retreating figure a look of defeat. Inhaling a deep breath, I turned back around and continued walking.
Rounding a corner, I backed up against a wall and sat down hugging my knees to my chest. Bending my neck, I rested my head on top of my folded arms and sat there.
Part of me was glad that he hadn’t followed me and made it more difficult than it already was, yet the sappy half of me was longing for him to barge after me demanding I talk to him.
“What was that?”
Jumping in shock from my spot on the floor, I glanced up to meet the shocked expressions of the twins.
“What are you talking about?”
Cy-Cy rolled her eyes at me in disbelief while Shawn crossed his arms over his chest.
“You know exactly what I mean Brooklyn,” Cy-Cy motioned her hand towards the hallway I had just exited, “What was that whole scene with Remy?”
Shaking slightly, I got up from the ground and gave them a confused look, “Honestly I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Come on shortie. You don’t really think that we’re that dumb right?”
Shifting my gaze away from Cy-Cy, I looked at Shawn whose blue eyes were piercing into mine. I shifted uncomfortably under his eyes and turned back to Cy-Cy.
“You guys, nothing happened. Honestly.” In desperation, I shot Cy-Cy a pleading look. At first, she only returned it with a hard stare, but she eventually sighed.
Hooking her arm through Shawn’s, she tugged him forwards. “C’mon Shawn lets go.”
“But –“
“I said lets go Shawn.” Tugging harder on his arm, she turned him around and dragged him towards our first class. Flipping her head back over her shoulders, she shot me a look that clearly told me I was in for some serious questioning later.
Sitting down at my desk I gently massaged my aching temples. By the way things had turned out this morning; I could easily predict it wasn't going to be a great day.
Refusing to pull out the material I needed for the class, I folded my arms on my desk and rested my head. God, I was tired.
As I sat there with my head rested on my desk, I felt my eyelids begin to grow heavier and heavier. It wasn't long before the outside world began to mould into a hazy blur.
"Brooklyn, wake up.”
Startled, I shot my head up from my arms and searched the room frantically, still in a daze.
“Whazzabigidea?” I mumbled unintelligibly.
Snickers erupted from the class breaking through my sleepy haze. Blushing, I attempted to curl up into the smallest position properly.
“Ms. Banks, I'm afraid I won’t be allowing sleeping in my class.”
Peeking up from my hiding spot in my desk I locked eyes with Mr. Sanders.
“Sorry Mr. Sanders, I guess I'm just tired.”
“Well then head down to the nurses office and lie down. I don’t want you wasting your time sleeping in my class.”
“Yes sir.”
Pulling out a slip of paper from his desk, Mr. Sanders quickly scrawled something down on the piece of paper before holding It out to me. Flustering in embarrassment, I stood up and speed-walked out of the classroom – not before gathering the note from him. I can’t believe I had fallen asleep in class. That’s never happened before. Sighing, I ran a hand through my hair and began walking at a faster pace.
Oh well Brooklyn look on the bright side. At least you didn’t drool in your sleep. Now THAT would be embarrassing.
Entering the nurses’ office, I quickly handed her the now crumpled note in my hand and headed towards the back. Walking through the door, I collapsed on to the bed exhausted. Slowly my eyes grew closer together until I drifted off into sleep.
I shot up from the bed into a sitting position as the shrill ring from the bell woke me up. Glancing across the room, I read the clock which hung opposite of me. 12:30; it was lunch already.
Brusquely I gathered my stuff and walked out of the nurses’ office thanking her for letting me use it. Refusing to risk seeing Remy in the lunchroom I veered off towards the library ignoring my growling stomach. Finding an open corner surrounded by shelves of books, I sat down on a bean bag chair and whipped out a book from my bag and began to read.
Well I tried to.
Now that I was fully awake and my brain was now at full power, images of Remy quickly flashed through my head. I couldn’t get through a single sentence in my novel that didn’t remind me of him.
Groaning inwardly, I threw the book to the floor and lay on the bean bag chair. As my stomach let out a vicious growl I placed a hand on my stomach urging it to be quiet.
Closing my eyes, I tried to banish away the images of Remy and food which continuously passed through my eyes. It was impossible. Frustrated, I slapped my head with my palm and let out a moan of pain and winced.
Chuckling from in front of me brought me out of my episode. Noticing a pair of sneakers on the floor, I followed them up to reveal the devilish smirk of Shawn. Before I could fire off a rude comment, my eyes zoned in on the immaculate sandwich he held in his hands. Eyeing it hungrily, I licked my lips only stopping when his chuckles turned into bursts laughter.
Shaking my head, I tore my eyes away from his sandwich and glared up at him. Grinning down at me with a playful sparkle in his eyes, he bent down and sat next to me on the floor.
Leisurely, he rose up his delicious looking sandwich and began to bring it closer to his lips. My mouth watered as it entered his mouth and he bit down on it.
Chewing on my lip, I began to fiddle with my thumbs in attempt to suppress the chorus of grumbles that belted out from my stomach.
Glimpsing at me from the corner of his eyes, they grew wide and his mouth opened in shock.
“Oh shortie. I didn’t see you there! Do you want some?” he pointed to the sandwich.
Not wanting to give into him, I reluctantly shook my head.
"Oh that's too bad shortie," he shrugged while taking another bite and moaning in pleasure, "Mmm so good!"
A parade of rumbles echoed from my stomach as I resisted the urge to scream.
I swear my stubbornness would be the death of me.
Sighing heavily, I looked Shawn straight in the eyes. Swallowing my pride, I stuck my hands out in a makeshift plate. “Can I have some of that sandwich?”
Staring back at me with a raised eyebrow, he smirked evilly. “Uh uh uh shortie. You need to do better than that if you expect to get any of this.”
Ignoring the voice in my head that was pressuring me to strangle him – not that I didn’t like the idea – I shot him a pleading look and said, “May I please have some of your sandwich.”
Sending me a satisfied grin, he ripped the sandwich in half and held it out to me. Murmuring a silent thank you, I reached a hand out and grabbed the sandwich.
All I felt was cold air as my fingers collided against each other.
Peeking down at our hands, I noticed the sandwich had somehow vanished. My eyebrows instantly furrowed together in confusion.
Where did it go?
I instantly knew as I glanced up at Shawn and saw him taking another bite of his sandwich.
“What the hell Shawn?!”
“I told you you would have to do better than that if you wanted any of this,” he shrugged casually and took another bite of his sandwich.
“What the hell? I asked you nicely.”
“I never said that's what I wanted shortie.”
I shot him a puzzled look. “Then what do you want?”
He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively, “A smoking hot kiss on the lips.”
One of my eyebrows immediately arched up as I stared at him in disbelief.
“You're kidding me right?”
“I'm serious shortie.”
Glancing at the sandwich, I placed a hand on my stomach which continued to rumble. God I was going to hate myself for this.

Placing my hands on his shoulders, I leaned towards him. As we grew closer, his eyes slowly closed. I could feel his breath blowing on my face as our faces were now inches apart.

In one swift movement, I reached my hand around and stole the sandwich. Shawn must have been caught up in the moment for he remained in front of me with his lips pursed. Chuckling softly, I whipped out my phone and snapped a quick picture. Oh yeah this was totally going on FaceBook.

Quickly pocketing my phone, I cleared my throat loudly. Slowly – with his lips still pursed – he opened his eyes. They immediately grew as wide as saucers as he noticed me with his sandwich in his hand.

“Sucker,” I smiled happily while taking a bite of his sandwich.

“Aww shortie that’s not fair,” he pouted.

Reaching out, I ruffled his hair and chuckled at his cute expression.

“I know Shawnie boy. Not everyone can be as awesome as me and sadly it isn’t fair.”

Huffing, he crossed his arms over his chest and pouted while watching me devour his sandwich.

Ignoring his grumbles, I continued munching happily on my sandwich making moans of approval. Once I had finished the sandwich, I licked my fingers and rubbed my stomach satisfied. Glancing at Shawn who had remained quiet during my meal, I noticed he now had a cheesy smile on his face.

“What?” I queried feeling self-conscious.


“It can’t be nothing,” I grumbled annoyed.

He shook his head as his smile grew wider, “It’s no big deal really. You just look really cute when you're eating.”

Lowering my head so he couldn’t see a blush rising to my face, I mumbled, “Creep.”

I saw him shrug from the corner of his eyes, “Just telling the truth.”

My blush deepened. Grabbing a random cushion from one of the couches, I whacked it over his head.

“What the heck was that for shortie?”

I smirked triumphantly with the cushion still in my hands. “Just ‘cause.”

“That doesn’t even make sense.”

“To you it doesn’t,” I smirked while sticking my tongue out.

“To everyone it doesn’t.”

“Don’t be jealous Shawnie boy.”

He scoffed just as the bell rang. Standing up, I grabbed my bag and slung it over my shoulder.

“C’mon let’s go to class.”

Turning around, I began walking away when I felt something soft hit my head. Pivoting back around, my mouth hung open as I glared at Shawn who stood there smiling at me innocently with a cushion behind his back.

“Hey that’s not fair.”

“I know,” he replied with a twinkle in his eyes.

My eyes softened and a smile spread across my face as I shook my head lightly.

“Hurry up we’re going to be late.”

Grinning, Shawn walked up beside me and wrapped an arm around my shoulders. Leaning into his body, my smile widened nearly breaking my face.

Without realizing it, Shawn had totally distracted me from thinking about Remy. Glancing up at him with a smile, I stood up on my toes and kissed him softly on the cheek.

“Thanks Shawn.”

He shot me a goofy grin and shrugged, “That’s what I'm here for shortie.”

Laughing, we walked out of the hallway and towards our next class.

What would I do without him?


I can't even write an author's note or ask you guys to vote right now cuz I'm so ashamed of myself....


I hope you enjoyed this chappie and once again!!

IM SORRRRY!!!!!!!!!!! 

p.s. I formed a page on FaceBook where you can ask me about updates on my stories cuz honestly, if u ask me on Wattpad I might not get back to you in a while...I'll post a link on the side ------>

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