Chapter Thirteen

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When we arrived at the scene, the day had darkened- like the sky wanted Andrew to be able to move around. We pulled up and there he was. An angry, raging vampire. Oh, shit.

“Whatever happens, Henry, you only helped me. You never left my side. Do you understand me?” I looked him straight in the eye, knowing I had to protect him from Andrew's fury.

“Yes.” He looked down.

“Good. Thanks, Gus. I'm sure you'll get another call from me soon enough.” I smiled at him.

“Good luck, Kat.” He shook his head, knowing I was walking to the lions' den.

I popped open the door and stepped out, Henry following close behind me.

“Agent Purrowells, a moment.” Andrew's controlled anger was almost funny.

“Yeah, sure.” I smiled at him. “Henry, go ahead and return to the lab. Get updated on everything that has happened while we were gone.”

Henry nodded and left, he looked back and I could see that he didn't want me to get all the heat. I shooed him on.

“What's up, buttercup?” I cooed, trying to keep my poker face.

When we were out of earshot of everyone and in the shade of a large Oak, that was when he almost growled at me. “Why do I smell others on you, Kat? Why did I feel your passion stir? What have you been doing?” He was furious.

“Hmm. One, maybe you should eavesdrop on me through whatever link we have. Two, I was at the Depot trying to find Hotchkins. The orcs and elves are there. I'm owed a fine set of leather gear for sparring with an orc and winning- and before you ask, I did it without magick. And Henry's uncle tried to make moves on me with the use of some sort of potion and his power- Henry stopped it all. Now, I am tired, this day is already too long and unless you know how to get Hotchkins, solve this murder case, or have something nice to say, then get out of my way.” I growled back.

“I wasn't eavesdropping on you. I can't help it. I've tasted you, and you've tasted me. Perhaps I have limited you in regards to this world. You are so new to it and there are so many you've yet to meet. Maybe you need time to explore it.” He walked off.

“Wha...?”I wasn't one hundred percent sure what the hell just happened.  What the hell does that even mean?

“It means that I've been greedy and now that Pandora’s box has opened, you should get to experience it.” He turned and said.

“Dude, unless you want to speak some form of English to me, I'm just going to go back to finding out who killed Andrea.” I crossed my arms and scowled at him.

“Kat, I never stop to think that maybe I wouldn't be your only conquest in the supernatural world. There are peoples you have never encountered before, some you met today, and I could feel your attraction. And before you try to say that it was just Maddock's magick, you must know that he didn't use it until you went to eat with him. And what of the orc? You were attracted to him as well. So much so that you allowed yourself to receive an invitation to dine with the man. It is wrong that I have limited you to just me.” He face was all broody.

“Are... are you breaking up with me?” I knew I was making an ugly confused face.

“I am merely opening the door for you to experience things other than this vampire.” He told me and walked away.

“Well, well, screw you, Andrew.” I growled.

My feet took me back into the house and then I walked immediately back out. I needed to see if Henry knew anything new. Frustration boiled in me. How could he just dump me? I knew that we were in different leagues, but I never thought that he would want to just leave me. I thought I meant something to him. It was a pain that I couldn't afford to dwell on.

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