Chapter Six

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The entrance was exactly as I remembered. There was lots of light and marble. It was stereotypical for what you'd expect for someone lavishly wealthy.

The large airy room was marked with evidence tags and a trail of blood that led down the hall.

“Oh my God. Did they drag her or something?” Sophie cried out with a gasp.

“Actually, from the report, it would seem they took a trophy.” Henry piped up.

“A trophy?” My curiosity was peeked.

“Yes, Agent Purrowells. They took one of her arms.” His face was pale.

“Henry, are you okay?” I was worried about him puking on my scene.

“I think young Henry requires some air and a brief break.” Andrew said, stepping close to Henry and whispering to him.

I watched Henry shake his head and look down. It was obvious something was going on. Then it dawned on me, Henry was a hybrid vampire. The blood on the scene might bother him.

“Actually, Henry, I've some work I need you to do in the lab. They have several computer stations set up in there. Can you scan in and send all important information to Director Harkins?” I smiled at him.

“Yeah, sure.” His face lit up.

“Thank you so much. I'll come visit in a little bit for my Cliffnotes.”

“On it, Agent Purrowells.” He walked out of the house with a purpose and no shame.

You are a good woman. Andrew told me.

I try to be.

“Andrew, I need you to see what we are not.” I told him aloud.

“Well, I can tell you magic users were involved. But not witches. The air has an other worldly taste to it. Nothing I know directly. Wolves have been here recently- but I believe that is a result of the case. I need to see the body.” His words came out rushed and excited.

“What is it, Andrew?” I suspected he knew something.

“Kat, the body... where is it?”

“It's still on scene. They're just finishing up initial processing.” Agent Black said from the hall I had once followed Steven down.

“The body is still here?” I felt ill.

“Yes. It can't be released for further testing until it has been initially processed. Our guys got stuck in traffic.” Black said like it was obvious.

“Well, there you go, Andrew. The body is still on scene.”

“Good. I need to see it.” He told Black.

“Come on, but know in advance- there is a lot of blood.” John looked at me.

“Gus, can you and Sophie go help volunteer at the supplies station?” I turned to them.

“Sure thing, Kat.” He took Sophie's hand and led her outside.

“Now, we can go.” I told them.

It was difficult to stay off the blood trail. It went straight down the middle and ever so often big, fat, red drops were splattered on the floor around it.

“An arm did all this?” It didn't add up.

“Her arm is missing. Anything could have done that.”

“Has the blood been tested?” I hoped the killer had been mortally wounded.

“Yes. I know what you're thinking- but it's hers.” Black deadpanned.

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