Chapter Nineteen

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With me back in my jeans and tank, I left off my tunic cover at this point, and Rex changed there were more than a few that noticed his wardrobe. I held my head high, like any vampire would do and tried my best to ignore them. It was freaking hard. What was worse was the way I had tried to jump all over Rex. I felt totally and completely embarrassed, as well as disappointed that he could turn me down.

Rex went over and got us two plates of something that looked just like cheeseburgers and fries. I smiled at him.

“Cheeseburgers?” I laughed.

“You seem like the kind of girl that would appreciate something normal right now. They aren’t cow meat, but from an hooved animal from our home. But the taste is about the same.” He walked us over to a small picnic table and set the plate down for me.

“Rex, I am really…”

“Don’t say sorry, Kat. I’m not at all. I’d love nothing more than to have my way with you, but I can’t and feel good about it. I’m just not one of those guys.” He shrugged and bit into his burger.

“Do you feel it too?” I asked biting my bottom lip.

“What are you talking about?” He eyed me cautiously.

“The connection between us. Why do you make me feel like there’s a memory hanging on everything that has to do with you? Why do I feel like I’ve come home when I am around you? Why am I so attracted to you? It’s like it’s all magick.” I blew out an annoyed breath.

“Yes, I feel it too. Only not a stirred memory. But the rest fits. There’s something about you, Kat. I told you that before. I’m sorry I’m not up for a random romp in the sheets.” He took my hand.

“I’m thankful that you’re such a gentleman.” My mind flashed to my meeting of Andrew at his club. Yep, no comparison there.

“My mates will think I’m a damn fool if it ever comes out. You are beautiful.” His hand softly caressed my cheek.

“Hey, now, you’ll make all the orcs think that you’re mated to me or something.” I blushed.

“They already know there is something going on. They’ll think what they want and hound me with it. It will be a good laugh. It will get blown up more once I split. My older brother will help with my stall, Jaram couldn’t do it- he gets nervous about things. Bryant understands that there are some things you must do. I’ve talked to him a lot about you.” He played with his food.

“You’ve talked to someone about me?” I brushed my hair away from my face, feeling nervous.

“Yes. I couldn’t just disappear without someone knowing where I went. He’ll handle all the gossip that will spring up. You’d be surprised what some will say. By the time we get back, everyone will want to know how the wedding went and when you’re due. Of course, they’ll be joking, at least about the babe, since you’re a ‘vampire’ and cannot produce young. Can you?” His eyes looked over my body.

“I don’t know. I don’t see why I couldn’t. Do orcs produce young the same as humans do?” I asked laughing.

“Yes. There’s nothing special to it. If we ever came together in such a way, we’d need to be careful. I’ve heard stories of humans and orcs joining and our genes being very strong- a pregnancy an almost guarantee.” He ate more of his food.

I bit into the meal and thought about what he said. If I sleep with him, I’ll likely end up pregnant if we aren’t careful. I couldn’t imagine myself pregnant right now. A child was not something that I needed or wanted to bring into my life with everything going on.

“Do orcs use protection?” It came out very quietly, I was almost afraid he wouldn’t answer.

“Yes. We protect from possible pregnancy same as the humans do. Kat, are you a human?” He seemed to debate asking the question before it came out.

“I’m not sure. I always thought I was. But I couldn’t really tell you.” I shrugged and ate some more.

By the time I left, my hormones had calmed down some and I was decent enough not to try to jump Rex in public. He held my hand while we walked through the Depot. Another way of tying us together in the eyes of the public around us. I wasn’t sure if it was a good idea, or not, but it felt nice.

“You’ll be back the evening before we have to go, correct?” He said at the door.

“I could glamor you, Rex. You could see the San Fernando Valley if you wanted to.” I told him.

“Really? I’ve never had such an offer. I’ll have to take you up on it when we get back. Now, answer the question.” He crossed his arms and smirked at me.

“I have two days left, which means tomorrow night I would have to be here. Am I supposed to spend the night with you?” I tried not to gulp.

“That was the plan. We’ll leave for the portal at dawn. The process can be very tiring.” He told me.

“Do you think it wise to have me sleeping in the same place as you?” I could only imagine what that would do to me.

“If it makes you feel better, I’ll lock my door. I’m not trying to woo you into my bed. Believe me, you’ll know when I do.” He fingers lightly trailing down my chek.

“I’m not sure how to handle that, Rex. I’ll be here. See you then.” I hugged him and let the door close between us.

Gus was at the curb. His face a grumpy mask. He opened the back door for me. It closed with a little more force than he’d usually use. It was clear he saw Rex and me talking. I rolled my eyes.

“You okay, Gus?” I asked.

“It just isn’t right,” was all he said.

As soon as I stepped into the house I went to my room. I knew Gus would report back to Sophie, who would scowl at me. They didn’t understand what was going on. There was just something that connected me to Rex and it didn’t have to do with blood that he gave me. It was like some sort of deeper thing, for a lack of better words, that told me I needed to get to know the orc better. And all the memory stuff was making me nuts. I had to find out why he made me feel like I had forgotten something and was struggling to remember it.

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