Chapter Four

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The door to his room closed silently, but I knew he was there. I'd always know he was there. His blood called out to me. I didn't know if it was because of my mystery heritage or the amount he had volunteered to me, but I didn't like it. Nothing good could come from being drawn to a vampire, even one as sexy as Andrew.

“Kat. I am so incredibly sorry. Very few have ever come into my domain while I have slept, and lived to tell about it. You're are very lucky.” His eyes were back to their usual violet.

“Look, Andrew, I knew the risks when I went down there. Yeah, I could've tried to reach someone else, but I didn't think we had time. I still don't. I need to get to the Wüfsbane estate.” I crossed my arms over my chest.

“Thank you, Kat, for coming for me. Gus, can you get the limo?” He asked Gus.

“On it, Master.” Gus left.

“Doesn't that bother you?” I asked trying not to get into it again.

“What?” He asked completely unaware.

“That whole 'Master' crap.” Something about it just bugged me.

“It's just the way things are.” He dismissed it.

“Yeah, so you've said. But that doesn't change the fact that it's wrong. No one should be anyone' master.” I huffed.

“Kat, it's really okay.” Sophie's soft voice said.

“I thought there were more important matters to deal with.” Andrew said.

“Right.” I rolled my eyes.

“Car's ready.” Gus told Andrew as he walked into the house.

“Thank you, Gus.” I said as I shoved myself away from the counter.

When I got out to the extremely tinted limo, I climbed into the front seat. As much as I liked Andrew, I just didn't want to be stuck in an enclosed space with him after what happened this morning. I watched from the side mirror as Gus opened the door for Andrew and Sophie helped to shade him to the car with an umbrella. He got in and Sophie piled in afterward. When Gus closed the door and then got in behind the wheel, I tried not to say anything.

They've been doing this probably longer than I've been alive. Just let it go. But something nagged at me about it all. I just couldn't understand how Gus and Sophie could happily switch from being free to being servants for a vampire. There was something there that needed to be looking into.

The ride was silent. Gus kept the divider up- I wasn't sure if it was to keep the peace or simply something that usually happened. When we pulled up to the Wüfsbane driveway, the car was stopped and searched. It was difficult not to comment on how after the fact it all was.

Andrew stayed in the car, but it was documented that he had arrived. One step in the right direction for his treaty. We got back in and Gus pulled into a special underground parking structure.

“Where does this go?” I asked suddenly concerned about the site and our investigation.

“There is one way in and out. We just went through it. Miss Wüfsbane took care of all her guests. There is a tunnel entrance into the house from here.” He told me.

I pulled out my phone and called John.

“Hey, has anyone covered the vamp entrance to the house or the parking garage?” I asked as way of saying hello.

“Um... I don't know. I wasn't aware that either of those things existed.” John sounded frustrated.

“Well, I'll keep the area contained until a team gets on them. I've got Andrew with me.” I tried not to sigh.

“Where do I direct them?” He asked.

I explained about the secret garage and told him to send an extra team for the entrance. He got off the phone with me.

“Okay, Gus can you lower the center divide, please?” I smiled at him.

“For you, Kat, the moon.” He winked at me.

“Here's the deal, this area and the entrance to the house haven't been cleared yet. We can't get out of the car. Two teams are inbound now.” I told everyone.

“You've got to be kidding. I suppose they don't know about any of Andrea's secret rooms.” Andrew sneered.

“Well, we're going off what we've been given.” It was hard not to snap at him.

“Tell her assistant to get the proper blueprints for the house. You know what... I'll do it.” He slipped out his phone.

His tone was crisp and annoyed as he talked to Steven. I felt bad for the guy. But it sounded like there was more supernatural bullshit involved that required someone above an assistant to authorize access to the private blueprints. As soon as Andrew clicked his phone shut, mine rang.

“Agent Purrowells.” I answered.

“Purrowells, it looks like there are several layers to the Wüfsbane estate. I'm sending out more teams now. You're in charge of the scene.” Harkins told me.

“Sir, shouldn't someone with more experience take charge?” The thought of running such an important investigation frightened the hell out of me.

“I want you on it. Period. Time to man up and step up, Purrowells. I wouldn't give it to you if I didn't think you could handle it. Keep me up to date on the situation.” He hung up.

“Really? Are you fucking serious?!” I wished I at least had a flip phone- something I could slam shut.

“You can do it, Kat.” Andrew's voice was full of pride.

“Thanks.” I didn't want to talk about how he'd totally just invaded my privacy.

I called John back.

“Agent Black, I'm in charge of this case. Please direct all necessary personnel to me for further assignment. Also, send someone with a copy of all information gathered thus far.” I was going to get this job done.

“Harkins put you in charge?” He sounded shocked.

“Yes. Try not to sound so shocked. If you could just do as I told you to, that would be wonderful.” The day was just getting better and better.

“I'll send them now, Agent Purrowells.” His tone switched.

“Thank you. Have them follow the team in so that the area stays cleared.” I didn't want to contaminate any evidence.

“Will do.” He got off his phone.

I sighed. Somehow this was not the first case back from my leave I thought I was going to be dealing with. After having to wake Andrew, who clearly didn't do daytime well, and being saddled with this huge case, I felt like I was already in over my head. I needed more coffee and a nap.

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