Chapter Fourteen

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There was something about his eyes that told me he was concerned. But I couldn’t tell him. I didn’t want him to know that our peoples might be on the verge of being executed. I had a feeling if I asked Andrew about the vampires that there would be similar attacks that had been attributed to something else. No one wants to face the truth when it is staring you in the face.

“I need to speak with Andrew.” I told him and walked away.

It was hard to approach him. My stomach twisted in knots. I had fallen in love with Andrew and the rational part of my mind understood why he was trying to allow me a chance to see what was out there before I decided I wanted to be with him, but it didn’t stop the fact that it pissed me off. I knew what I wanted. But that was something I was going to deal with later.

“Andrew, I need to speak with you.” My tone was formal- even if I couldn’t bring myself to throw his title of Master on the front of it. I would never call him that intentionally.

“Yes?” His brow quirked up.

“I need to know if there have been any serious murders or group deaths in the vampire community.” I swallowed hard, it was so hard to look into his beautiful violet eyes and not think of all the love I had for him. I’ll show him. I decided right then to go on a date with Rex, hell maybe I go out with Maddock as well. I crossed my arms with a smug smile.

“I never knew you had a taste for death, love. There have several group deaths. Three serious attacks, and a few unsolved issues, all over the last two years. Why?” His eyes zeroed in on me like he was going to pry the thoughts from my head.

“Doesn’t work, Drew. I just needed to know. Is this the first attack on the wolves?” I pressed.

“No. It’s the first one that P.N.I. has been called in for. There have also been attacks in the trolls, orcs, goblins, fae, elves, and all the other communities. If you’re thinking what I think you are, I wouldn’t push the matter.” He told me seriously.

“I doubt you know what I’m thinking.” I snorted.

My phone rang interrupting his comeback. I held up my hand.

“Agent Purrowells.” It was the one time I loved that my phone had rung.

“Purrowells, I don’t know how you knew, but there have been way more attacks than usual. Explain your theory to me.” Harkins said in a tired voice.

“Let me step into a more private setting.” I used my vampire speed to zip out of Andrew’s hearing range. “Sir, this is a serious situation. I believe that the supe community is slowly being murdered off. I think it’s an extinction plan. I’m not sure why yet, but I intend to find out.”

“And to do this, you feel you have to figure out a way into the Knowers realm?” He asked.

“Yes. I believe that they are the ones doing it. It’s the only chance we have.” I also wanted to see what I could find out about my own history.

“You can’t do this alone, Kat.” It was one of the few times he called me by my first name.

“I don’t know if I can take anyone with me through the portal, shit, I don’t even know if I can get it open.” I sighed.


“In order to open a portal into the Knower realm, you have to be a Knower. I have their bloodline in me or so I’ve recently been told. I’m hoping that it’s enough to get me through the magick door and down the rabbit hole.” It was hard to admit that I was something different than I thought.

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