Chapter 10

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I'll admit I was nervous about Harry coming to dinner with my family and I tonight. We had all agreed on Chinese, which is my favorite.

School went by fast, but I hadn't seen Harry all day. He texted me a few times but I never really asked where he was.

I was sprawled out on my bed when my phone vibrated.

From Harry

'Can I pick you up early?

To Harry

'I guess so...I have to get dressed still.'

From Harry

'See you soon, gorgeous. :)'

I loved his sweet side, which I didn't even know existed. Knowing how angry he can get in a matter of seconds still makes me unsure.

I hopped off of my bed and went to my closet to grab my peach dress that was already picked out. The color of it complemented my Jersey tan that I had gotten before I left.

My hair had a side braid and was just slightly curly. More wavy than curly. The black mascara I applied made my blue eyes pop nicely. I rolled on some clear lipgloss and headed downstairs.

"You look nice." My father said, he hasn't even showered yet.

"Thanks." I replied.

"Harry's coming by early to pick me up-"

"He's picking you up and going where?" he asked protectively. I understand.

"I'm not sure...probably his house..."

"Jessamine, you're mother has told me he doesn't seem like a good influence. Don't make bad decisions unless you want me to forbid you from seeing him. I'll give him a chance though." he said.

"Ok dad." I sighed.

As if right on cue, a knock came out the door. I went to the door and let Harry in.

"You should probably meet my dad real quick...he's being really protective." I whispered to him.

"Uhm...ok?" he replied.

We walked into the living room where my dad sat watching tv.

"Uh dad, this is Harry." I said awkwardly.

"Nice to meet you." My dad said, being shaking hands with Harry. His eyes trailed to the bruises on his face.

"Same to you." he said quietly.

You could feel the tension in the room.

"Well I'll see you later, dad." I said before walking out the door with Harry trailing behind me.

"So awkward." he stated.

I let out a chuckle. "That's what you get for not leaving me alone."

"Please Jessamine, you know you want this." He said motioning to his body.

"Whatever." I said, rolling my eyes.

"Someone's a little sassy today."

"When am I not?" I asked with a smile, hoping into the car.

"That's why I like you." He said, turning on the car.

"What was that Harry, I'm not sure i heard that right?" I asked. Both of us knew what he said.

He began to laugh, showing off the cutest dimples I've ever seen.

"Awh the bad boy has dimples, how adorable!" I said touching them.

He showed my hand away. "Stopppp."

I continued to try and touch his dimples, before he clenched onto both of wrists. His grasp was too strong for me to get out of.

"Ouch!" I said, faking it.

"I'm sorry," he said, raising up my wrist and kissing them lightly.

"All better."

It made me blush. He was too cute.

The car backed out of the driveway and onto the road that lead to the movie theater. I was kind of excited, I've been dying to see a scary movies, even though I cry most of the time. I'm such a baby.

I snapped out of my thoughts before turning to Harry.

"Where were you at school today?" I asked.

"I had things to take care of." he stated, staring at the road ahead of him.

"What things?"

"None of your concern, Jessamine." He said coldly.

I was determined to find out what he's hiding from me.



The more you guys comment, the more determined I am to write! :)

Darkness Meets LightOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora