Chapter 61

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Harry's POV

The sound of Jessamines phone buzzing on the counter bothered me for the past 2 hours.

It's nearly fucking midnight and it's still going off like crazy.

"Who the fuck is texting you?" I asked her, annoyance clear in my voice.

She has yet to even look at her phone since she's been busy playing with that annoying dog.

I'm not sure if it's just one text that keeps going off or it's several, either way it's testing my annoyance level.

She cautiously got up from her crossed leg position on the floor and walked to the counter, swiping her phone up.

Her face was emotionless once she started looking at it, her eyes flicked up to mine every few seconds.

It's like she was expecting me to ask who it was, but honestly I just wanted the buzzing to fucking stop. My head was pounding from an unknown reason.

"Who is it?" I asked her, Sage now tugging on my sweatpants. I nudged him away, only causing him to pull harder.

I leaned over and smacked his head, not too hard, but the look on Jess' face wasn't exactly happy.

"It's my mom." She half smiled.

"Stop fucking touching me!" I finally yelled at Sage, my temper was reaching its peak.

Honestly I don't know what's wrong, but everything is giving me anxiety today.

"I'll be back." I stood up, her face gave me a 'what the fuck is your problem' look before I went to the balcony and shut the door behind me.

I picked up a new pack of cigarettes, peeling the clear packaging off and taking one out. The lighter sitting on the table was brought up to the end of my cigarette, lighting it.

Inhaling deeply, I felt a type of relief.

I knew Jess didn't like that I smoked but she understood that it helps me somehow.

The familiar scent filled my nostrils as I exhaled into the air. It began to calm my nerves slightly. I went to the railing and held onto it.

Behind me I heard the glass door open and slide shut quietly.

"Are you okay?" She asked me, unsure of my mood.

I turned to her and leaned back, "Fine."

She looked at my cigarette and then back to me, disapprovement clear in her expression.

"You're not okay when you smoke." She clarified. She knows me too well.

"Honestly I don't know, nothing happened but I fell anxious." I sighed, taking another drift.

"If I can help let me know." She said, backing inside again and giving me a smile before shutting the doors.


Jess' POV

I really hope Harry doesn't find out about this.

About Alan.

If he finds out, I don't know who would get hurt worse. Harry or Alan.

Alan is the one who's been texting me to come over tomorrow night.

No one can know, no one.

It's not so much me that I'm worried about, it's Harry.

Alan told me if I didn't follow through with this 'agreement' then he'd hurt Harry.

The agreement was to sleep with him, whenever he wanted me. But if I weren't to show up then he'd do something to Harry.

I know how completely fucking rediculous this sounds, trust me, but I can't risk anything.

I know I should go to the police and let them deal with him but it's too risky. You can't exactly predict what these people do.

I mean, look at Alex, he was a complete psycho himself. He killed a few people himself and no one knew except Harry.

Why is my life so messed up, honestly.

I feel like throwing up right now.

Everything is just swarming my mind right now and I feel physically dizzy.

Just the idea of Alan touching me is making me gag, but I have to.

I have to do this for Harry's sake.

Right now I couldn't even deal with Sage so I put him in the cage and laid down on the couch.

Harry came walking in moments later, his hair ruffled from the wind and the smell of his cigarette lingered from him.

"Are you okay? You seem pale." He questioned me, sliding the glass doors shut behind him and walking over to me.

I nodded my head as he placed the back of his hand on my forehead, feeling my temperature I assume.

"I'm fine." I said with a fake smile which he didn't notice. Honestly he didn't look so good himself.

"Are you okay?" I asked him, stroking his hair back with my left hand as he sat on the edge of the couch beside me.

"A little better. I guess everything is just now catching up with me." He sighed, lying his head down on my chest.

"Stop worrying, everything is fine." I tried to assure him. The more okay I looked, the less he would question me.

I'm hoping he'll go to the gym tomorrow night so he won't see me go to where ever the hell Alan requests.

It still hasn't settled in my mind that I agreed to this.

It's sickening and I feel like a complete fucking loser.

"Can we go to bed." He mumbled into my neck.

I nodded and sat up with Harry still leaning on me. His hands wrapped my thighs around his waist and held me up.

We walked down the dark hallway and into his bedroom, my arms wrapped around his neck.

If there was one thing to notice, is that he didn't have any pictures hanging up anywhere in the house. The hallway was bare.

He sat down on his bed with my legs still wrapped around him, his hands settled on my bottom.

His lips attacked mine with hunger, my hands pulling his face closer to mine.

I'm not sure what this was all about but he seemed very needy and I wasn't going to stop him.

He mumbled something into my mouth but I didn't understand him. I took the opportunity to lift his shirt and rub up and down his torso.

He leaned back onto his arms and watched me feel him up. His eyes were a shade I have yet to see and it almost worried me.

His fingers went up and unbuttoned my shirt, pulling it back and down my arms, leaving me in my bra.

I placed my hands on his neck and brought him to me, placing rough
kisses on his chest and up to his mouth.

His fingertips grazed down my back and around to the zipper of my jeans. Quiet moans came from him once I tugged on his hair.

Breaking the kiss, he took his time to unbutton my jeans and peel them down my legs. He knew it drove me crazy when he took his time.

I was now straddling him with only my panties and bra on, the skin of our stomachs now touching.

His breath was noticeably becoming uneven when I accidentally pressed a little too hard against him.

"You drive me crazy." His raspy voice told me as he kissed my shoulder.

"That's my intention." I smiled at him, earning an unreadable smirk from him.

He lied down on his back, pulling me down with him. My legs were on either side of him and his hands slide down my body.

Our lips were colliding together, my breath becoming hitched when his hand grazed my lower area.

I could feel the smile on his lips as he continued to kiss me.

"Let's do something else." He motioned me to lay on my back.

I watched as he slowly but surely pulled my panties down, his eyes never leaving mine. It drove me absolutely crazy.

My legs started to shake with excitement, it almost concerned me because they've never done that before.

Both his hands rubbing from my knees up to my inner thighs, making me quietly whimper.

His lips traced kisses up until where his hands stopped. He looked up at me, holding eye contact as his warm breath fanned over me.

"Harry." I finally whined, squirming from his touch. I tried to hold it in but he was doing this on purpose.

Without a response, his tongue grazed up and down me, making me breathless.

The feeling was indescribable, he knew exactly what he was doing.

I felt awkward as our eyes continued to look at each other.

His hands squeezed my thighs as his tongue started to press down with more pressure.

My legs began wanted to come together but his hands kept them pushed apart.

I could feel Harry's mouth vibrate from his moaning also.

At this point I was panting and going almost completely over the edge.

His hands left mine alone and went down below him.

He groaned into me once I started tugging on his hair.

It was rather fascinating to watch, but I couldn't think straight as I was sent over the edge.

My legs clamped together and my body shook, Harry still going at it.

After a few seconds he let out a loud moan, his eyes shutting.

My hands left his hair once I began to calm down. I watched as he also became undone right below me.

His eyelids pried open once again and made contact with mine.

I grabbed his face and pulled him up to mine, kissing him harshly.

My hand began to travel down to his lower region before his hand stopped me.

"I'm already done." He smirked.

My cheeks flushed and he breathlessly laughed.

"You don't realize how much of a turn on you are, I couldn't contain myself," he whispered to me, kissing my again softly.

"Do you feel better now?" God Jessamine why would you ask this.

"Much better." He smirked, lying down beside me and tracing circles on my stomach.

I grabbed the blanket and pulled it over us, I always felt so much more comfortable when we were together under a blanket.

I stroked his cheek, over areas where small bruises were beginning to fade.

I don't think I've seen him without so many bruises since I've met him. He was flawless, even with the small scars the were randomly around his perfect face.

"You don't realize how much I love you." He said randomly.

"I love you too Harry." I assured him.

I sure hope you love me, my life is about to become a living hell for you.


So yeah that kinda happened


sorry for the wait, my life ((yes I have one)) has been so busy and stressful and when that happens I can't really think of a good way to write this story

But I'm back

& ily

Twitter @ashtonstryhard

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