chapter 68

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btw wear something nicer :)

- Melissa

This is such a bad idea in my mind, but I keep telling myself that it's for Melissa. I know Harry wouldn't even want me out of the house if it were up to him. If.

I quietly got off the bed and walked toward my closet, forgetting how many clothes I actually owned.

The only thing I felt comfortable in without going all out for this was a simple navy blue dress and a pair of black wedges.

I forgot what it felt like to dress up, being that Harry never likes to dress up himself. But honestly I didn't mind, his look was enough for my liking.

The small scar from the bullet was still permanently on my leg, but there was much I could do to hide it. It's just apart of a memory I couldn't forget now. Great.

My hair only needed to be brushed out a little and I left my makeup the same way as it was earlier, being that I wasn't doing this to impress someone.

Before I knew it, a honk came from outside, making me scurry to grab my phone and my wallet.

Rushing downstairs, I realized I needed to lock Sage up so I had to run back upstairs, the entire time wearing those stupid wedges.

By time I got back down I was out of breath and realized how out of shape I was. Oh well, that's another days worry.

Grabbing a black leather jacket, I didn't even check to see it was her before I rushed into the chilly weather.

Thankfully it was her and someone who I didn't welcome. Her face seemed to glow under the now fading sunlight.

Getting into her car, I looked at her appearance. She was wearing a pale grey dress that made her blue eyes look amazing.

I was also jealous of how tan she looked. Maybe I should've wore a lighter color also?

Jessamine shutup you're not impressing anyone.

"I love that dress on you, why haven't I seen it?" She grinned as she began to back out, watching out for a couple with their young child on tricycle.

"Erm, I haven't really noticed it in my closet." I replied. "By the way do you know these guys?" I was feeling uneasy.

"Of course, well, not well. They go to our school so I'm sure you've seen them around."

"oh okay." I shifted in my seat, looking down at my fingernails which I still have yet to repaint.

"So has lover-boy come crawling yet?" She said, taking a left onto the highway.

"No." I let out a breath. "He won't even look at me."

"Because he knows how wrong he was. Don't sweat it, he may not be worth it."

"Don't say that." I said, surprised how rude it came out.

"Sorry, I was just throwing it out there." She snapped back. One thing about her, she wasn't afraid to argue. About anything.

"Anyway," she continued "There's like three or four of them from what Louis told me."

"Louis?" I mocked the name. "I don't think I've ever heard that name before. It's fun to say."

"Yeah he's pretty attractive, you'll know him when you see him. But I don't know who else is coming. I didn't want to go alone the first time ya know?"

I nodded my head in agreement and looked at my surroundings. The pretty Christmas lights were hung on just about every home that we passed and it made me smile.

I couldn't wait until nighttime so I could see them lit up.

"That's the place there I think." She pointed to a medium sized building with a nearly full parking lot. Wow it must be worth the wait here.

We got lucky with a third row parking spot just as someone was leaving. Thank god because I'm too lazy to walk anymore today.

Before we got out of the car, she pulled out a mirror to reapply her lip gloss, me giving her a funny look in the process.

"Just because I'm not looking at you doesn't mean I can't tell you're making faces." She laughed at me.

I smiled as I got out and followed her into the building with many people waiting in line. ugh.

"Hang on I think he texted me." She said, unlocking her phone and reading the message from Louis I assumed.

"Yeah they're already here, over that way." She pointed to the back where a group of guys sat. One of them was pushing the others arm away from his drink, probably trying to put something into it.

I trailed behind her, feeling a sense of nerves that weren't there before. One of the guys looked up at her and smiled.

It took me a moment to realize that two of them were the same guys I saw standing outside with Harry the first day of school.

They all had the same type of image that Harry seemed to have and I mentally cursed myself for getting involved in this.

There were four of them; three with brunette hair and one with blonde hair. They all seemed to have tattoos, I didn't know which ones to look at first.

I could definitely tell these were Harry's kind of people, their presence was the same type of feeling.

"What's up?" He grinned at her, placing her in the seat beside him. I took the seat in front of her which was beside one of the boys I recognized.

"Hey guys, this is Melissa and Jessamine." He announced. "I'm Louis by the way." he said kind of waved to me, I smiled in return.

"And I'm Niall." The blonde beside me stated in a lower voice. His accent seemed foreign but I didn't pay it much attention.

"Hey." I acknowledged him. These two were the ones I saw standing with Harry. I haven't seen the other two brunette boys before though.

"Sean." The darker haired one raised his hand.

"James." The quieter one finally said to both Melissa and I. He seemed to be in a mood or something.

"You seem awfully familiar." Niall said beside me as Louis and Melissa engaged into a conversation.

"Oh." was all I could think to reply.

"You're the new girl aren't you?" He said, sipping onto his coke. It was then I realized everyone had a coke in front of them, including me.


"You could say more than one word you know." He said a little frustrated.

"I've been here since school started." I replied, pulling my drink to my lips.

"OH" Louis louder voice chimed in. I looked up and he was looking at me.

"You're Harry's girl." He asked me as if I were suppose to agree.

"Not- uhm- I don't know."

"It's complicated." Melissa finished for me and I smiled at her to thank her.

"But still, that's why you seemed familiar." Louis said, Niall nodding his head in agreement.

"Right, right. I remember seeing you the first day. Harry called you instantly." He smirked at the memory.

I didn't know whether to smile or not by the wall he 'called me'.

"Yeah I remember seeing you three badass' against the wall as soon as I got there. What a great impression." I half laughed, and they joined with me.

"We tend to do that." Niall told me. "Bad impressions."

"Yeah I know." I agreed, knowing Harry's wasn't very good either.

"Speaking of Harry, is he showin up?" Niall got Louis attention. oh fuck

"Supposed to." Louis shrugged. "Call him for me?" he asked me.

"No, no I can't." I kind of stuttered.

"I'll do it." Niall huffed, annoyed by me I bet. He pulled out his phone and dialed Harry's number, which I was taken back by how he had it memorized.

"Hey, 'arry?" He spoke into the phone. I watched him then looked to see Melissa wide eyed also.

I could hear him mumbling through the phone but couldn't make anything out from all the loud fucking people in this place.

"Get your ass here quick, we're starving." He joked. "Bye."

"He'll be here soon, he said go ahead and order for him." Louis nodded and started another conversation with Melissa who didn't even seem to care.

"Niall does he know I'm here?" I asked nervously.

"Oh does he not know?" He asked curiously, as if he knew there were more to this.

" I didn't expect him either."

"well...surprise!" He grinned to himself.

"No I don't think it's a good thing." I scolded him.

"Is that why he was in a bitchy mood today and nearly smoked my whole pack of cigarettes?" He seemed amused. "Because you two aren't good?"

"Has he told you?"

"Told me what?" he started to play with his napkin as if he weren't interested but I know he was listening to each of my words carefully.

"That he kissed another girl yesterday." His reaction didn't seem too stunned, he chuckled.

"That's what drunk Harry will do." He sat back. "You shouldn't trust him drinking alone to begin with."

"I didn't know he was there until the girl told me herself."

"Wow what a twist." He chuckled. That's until he realized my unhappy expression. "Sorry, not funny." He added.

"Does he not tell you guys these things?" I asked.

"Course not, he doesn't really speak of his personal life much." He said, pulling out a pack of cigarettes. I looked at him weird before I noticed that we were in a smoking area.

"Want one?" He motioned the pack to me. I was slightly tempted but I pushed it away.

"I don't smoke." I told him, watching him as he offered the other guys.

"I bet you bug Harry about it, don't you?" He teased, lighting the cigarette inbetween his teeth.

"Yeah I do." I grinned, looking at Melissa who had her hand on Louis' shoulder. She has just broke up with her boyfriend a few weeks ago and her she is.

I can't blame her, if I had her looks then I'd be that confident myself.

"Look who it is." Niall nudged my attention to the entrance.

There he was, looking around for us. Well, not including me.

His eyes spotted Niall first and then immediately locked with mine. It made me tense up a little bit.

And woah he looked amazing with his hair pushed back like that.

"What are you doing here?" He asked me confused, of course he wasn't expecting me.

"Melissa invited me." I didn't even look at him, but at her.

They all said their round of hellos before going back to how we were moments ago.

"How are you bro?" Louis asked him, everyone's attention on him.

"Fine." He dismissed, looking at me with this look I couldn't explain.

"We haven't ordered yet. By the way where did our fucking waiter go?" Niall interupted, looking around.

I mentally thanked Niall for breaking that awkwardness quickly.

"You look nice." Harry complemented, but his voice was on edge still.

"Thanks." I replied, looking to Niall. "I'm going to the restroom real quick." He nodded his head and began talking with Harry as soon as I got up.

I fast walked to the bathroom, feeling his gaze on my back. I also earned a few stares from other men and I wish I was brave enough to say something. But I wasn't.

Once I got past a group of women gathered outside the door, I went into an open stall and locked it behind me.

My phone began to buzz and I was curious to see who it was.

It was only my mom checking on me, they'd be home early tonight so we could watch a movie or two.

But then I noticed another message from a private number, oh how I wanted to scream at people who do that.

'You look fantastic tonight'

I knew who it was quickly, but I didn't want to say anything to ruin my time out. Although I was alone right now, there was a group of badass guys out there that I'm sure would protect me.

I hope.

Now that I have this paranoia in my head, I wanted to run back to the table where I felt safe.

Unlocking the door, I got a few dirty looks from people since I didn't wash my hands but whatever.

Just before I could get past the corner, someone grabbed the sensitive part of my arm.

and I panicked.


Does this make up for the wait? HA of course not

but I love you

What do you guys think of the new characters?
Lemme know 😏

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IG- @twerkinstyles


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