Chapter 34

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"Oh shit." I exclaimed, jumping behind Melissa's tiny figure as Harry strode in our direction.

"What?" Melissa asked confused, looking in the direction we were in.

"Did he see me?" I asked behind her head.

"No he's talking to some other guy." She said. "Ignore him. Give him a taste of his own medicine." She said with a wink as two drinks were passed to us.

I took a large gulp of it, feeling the liquid burn down my throat. Just what I needed.

"Slow down there, we have all night!" She said as she danced in the middle of a group that was gathered around.

I decided to let her do her thing, so I walked around awkwardly. I don't know anyone here but her and Harry.

There was an empty seat in the recliner of Harry's living room. I crept around so he wouldn't see me walk past.

I sat down, looking around. People grinding and going wild. Some were smoking with a drink in their hands.

As for me I was content with just drinking.

"What's your name?" I hear a male voice ask me over the blaring music.

I look up to see a blonde haired boy with deep blue eyes. His fingers brushed through his messy hair as he stared at me, waiting for a reply.

"Oh-uhm, Jessamine." I stuttered over the loudness of the room.

"I'm Matt. Care to dance?" He asked, holding out his hand.

Fuck it.

I set my drink down on the side table and placed my hand on his. He led me to the group of people as his hands held my waist. I felt a buzz from my drink begin, since I was a light weight.

At the moment I felt like going crazy. Matt's hands held my waist as I danced against him. His hands would aimlessly wonder up and down my torso. Eventually they trailed down to my ass before I swatted him away.

"Not too frisky." I said, giving him a look. I'll admit he was attractive, but not my type.

"Oh come on, it's all in fun." He replied grabbing my hips and pulling me against him.

"Fuck off." I said, prying his hands off of my and stomping away.

I went to the counter and grabbed a drink, not caring if Harry saw me. Gulping it down, I grabbed another.

After 4 and a half drinks I was pretty drunk. All I could think about was Harry even though I didn't want to. My mind was betraying me.

I set down my half full drink and went to search for him. My mind didn't want to but my body begged to differ.

My legs were slightly shaking in my 3 inch heels as I brushed through the sweaty group of people.

I could see the top of his curly head when I reach the other side of his condo. Once I passed people, I noticed a brunette girl sitting beside him. Both of them had smiles on there faces. I blamed it on their drinks.

Something about seeing Harry speak to another girl broke my heart. I know they weren't doing anything but still.

I walked up to an empty seat beside a guy my age, who seemed alone.

My seat was in the perfect place to glance over at Harry every so often, to see if he looks at me.

"Can I help you?" I asked nicely to the stranger in front of me. He had dark brown hair and dark eyes to match.

Obviously he wasn't the slightest bit drunk and furrowed his eyebrows at me.

"I'm sorry? You came over here." He said with a laugh.

I laughed along with him, loud enough for Harry to look at me. Our eyes locked but I immediately looked back at the guy.

"Oh I'm kinda....uh...."

"Drunk?" He said with a smile.

"Yeah that." I said giggling. God was I drunk.

"I need a hug." I whimpered to him. I could feel Harry's stare burning through me. For some reason I wanted him to be jealous.

"Uhm okay?" He replied questioningly.

I attempted to stand up and hug this guy, but I wobbled over and fell into his lap. Laughter came over me. I felt so clumsy and silly, it amused me.

The guy had his arms gripping my waist so I didn't fall over. All of a sudden someone grabbed my arm and yanked me off his lap.

"I got her, thanks." Harry stated harshly as he pulled me away.

"OoOoh. Jealous much." I said sloppily, honestly I couldn't control what came out of my mouth right now.

"What are you doing here?" He asked coldly once we got into his room and locked the door.

"Melissa and I wanted to have fun. You're not fun." I replied, frowning.

"How much did you drink?"

"HAHAHAHA who knows." I giggled and plopped onto the bed in laughter.

"You're definitely staying here." He mumbled to me.

"Did you miss me?" I asked striking a pose on his bed which put me into fits of laughter.

"Now isn't the time to "talk". Go to sleep."

"Why don't you like me?" I asked sadly.

He froze and stared at me.

"Why would you say that?" He asked calmly.

"You've ignored me for no reason, it makes me sad." I mumbled in return. Whatever I said probably made no sense anyways.

He looked at me sympathetically and dropped a blanket over me.

"Go to sleep. I'll be here when you wake up." He said in a monotone voice.

He quickly ran to the door. "Oh and by the way, I'm locking this from the outside so you can't escape." He replied, smiling before shutting the door. I could hear the lock shut.

Although the music was blasting through the house, I still managed to fall asleep, only to have the worst dream of my life.

(( This is a dream ))

It was about Harry. I had found him in an abandoned alley, his body badly beaten. A pool of blood surrounded him. I rushed to his aid only to find no pulse. Tears over flowed as I leaned down on his lifeless body, not caring about the blood.

"W-Who did this to you?" I cried into his shirt.

Someone tapped my shoulder, but before I could look to see who it was, I woke up in a panic.



anyway, I made a twitter account soooo you should follow me?


It's about both 1D and 5SOS (( and you can check to see when I'll update next on there ))

Ask me question on twitter or whatever :) ilysm


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