Chapter 26

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You guys are the most amazing readers ever, I have not got ONE rude comment on this story. and yes I read ALL of them :)

I also love messaging you guys because you're always so honest.


Meanwhile, Harry was still outside smoking. I wouldn't doubt it if he smoked 3 cigarettes already.

Since he did have small gashes on him, I went to my moms bathroom and grabbed the first-aid kit. I went downstairs and set it up near the kitchen sink, so I could rinse his face.

The sound of footsteps led into the kitchen a right behind me. "Harry, I got the first aid-" I turned around to see me mother with a worried face.

"What's wrong with Harry?" she asked, setting her purse onto the countertop and facing me with her arms crossed.

"Wha-what do you mean?" I asked, acting like I didn't know. Well, the first-aid kit on the counter didn't help either.

"Well he's on our porch with a gash above his eyebrow and he's talking on the phone." She replied. "What happened?"

The first thing I thought about was to tell a lie. If she knew Harry beat up his own father and put him in jail.......

"Uhm...well....we went to the...skate park...and he fell." I said, stuttering quite a bit.

"On his face?" She asked, half smiling. It probably amused her.

"Yeah...." I agreed with her.

"Okay well I'm taking the night shift tonight which starts in," she paused and looked at her watch. "2 hours."

"But I though we were going to see dad and get dinner?" I asked.

"Well we can still visit him...maybe Harry would like to take you out? He seems to take a lot of interest in you." She stated as she turned her heels and went upstairs.

Moments later Harry came strolling in.

"Here I want to disinfect that gash on your head really quick." I said, making him sit in a chair as I wiped the wound with a wipe.

His eyes never left mine as I pretended I didn't notice him staring at me. Soon enough I looked down to meet his gaze.

Those eyes though.

His hands trailed up the cup my face, bringing me down closer to him. I could feel his breathing on my upper lip as his thumbs grazed my bottom lip. Pulling me in, he kissed me. Not just a little kiss, and not a makeout session. But a cute, passionate kiss.

I pulled away and looked him in the eyes, still inches from his face. "What was that for?" I asked.

He smiled. "For taking care of me."

"I'd do anything for you, Harry." I said honestly.

"Same goes to you, love." he said before giving me another peck with his soft lips.


My mom had twenty minutes before she had too leave and Harry and I were still sitting on the couch, eating popcorn.

"Jess, if you want to go you need to hurry and get ready!" My mom yelled from upstairs.

Darkness Meets LightTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon