Chapter 69

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"Niall you scared the shit out of me!" I slapped his arm, making a stinging noise.

He laughed it off and looked around him. "Sorry, I saw that group of guys other there eyeing you when you walked by. Thought I'd make sure they didn't try anything."

"Oh..well thanks." I was still trying to catch my breath from seconds before.

"Where's Harry?" I asked him without even thinking. Normally he'd be the one to watch after me. But I guess not today.

"Oh he- uh left." He stuttered.


"I don't know, he just didn't seem himself." He looked at me as I looked away, trying to make it seem like it didn't phase me. But I wish he would've stayed.

"Would you care to explain what happened?" He asked me gently, knowing there was more behind it.

"I- I don't know.." I replied.

"There's got to be something going on." Oh you have no idea.

"There is, I just don't really want to explain it." I sighed. "Especially here."

"Well why don't you girls come over for a little while? We can play some pool or something." He offered. Niall seems like a nice guy, but i don't know if I should trust him enough.

"Maybe." I nodded and looked up at him. He had a beautiful pair of glowing blue eyes, but they didn't compare to what I saw in Harry's.

"It's cool, we haven't enough ordered our food yet. But the offer is there." He smiled and put a hand on my shoulder to lead me back to the table.

The group of guys that he had mentioned had their attention set on Niall as we walked by. I wonder if he said anything to him, because I sure as hell know Harry would have.

If he were still here. I really just want to know where he went.

"Where have you two been?" Louis asked with a wink, making me blush slightly even though nothing happened. I couldn't see myself liking Niall that way anyway.

"Shut the hell up Louis." Niall rolled his eyes at him, Melissa laughing quietly beside Louis.

Once I sat down I realized James and Sean were gone as well, did they leave together?

"Where is everyone?" I asked, now feeling awkward that it was just us four.

"James and Sean had to go I don't know. And Harry is in a mood." Louis replied.

"When isn't he." I said a little too loud, looking up to see if he heard me.

"I know. But he hasn't been as....angry lately. Not like he use to be I guess. But trust me, I'm sure it's still there." Louis replied.

"I believe it." I nodded.

"This place is taking fucking forever, we haven't even ordered yet!" Melissa whined, slapping Louis arm playfully.

"I bet I could cook faster if we just went back to our place." Louis suggested to Niall, which looked at me for confirmation.

"Uhm sure I guess." I shrugged, feeling slightly uncomfortable but Niall felt very trustworthy. We seemed like a cool group of friends if you asked me.

"We can just take one car, I'll drive you guys back here later to get yours." Louis said to Melissa as we all sat up from the table, Niall throwing money on the table. They were too impatient to even wait for the waitress to come around.

"Shotgun!" Melissa practically yelled, scurrying to the entrance, the three of us following.

"Not fair!" Niall complained, I assumed it was Louis car which we were taking. I was right.

Darkness Meets LightTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon