Chapter 65

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"Melissa is going to flip when we see her today." I told Harry as I towel dried my hair, his reflection looking at me.

"I beg to differ, I bet she's obsessed with Sage." He shook his head.

With everything that went down yesterday I nearly forgotten my own dog. I almost felt bad about it.

"Who wouldn't be?" I smiled at him, now taking my hair brush and combing it through my damp hair.

"I guess I'm a good puppy picker then?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Seems that way." I winked.

He pursed his lips. "You did not just do that."

"Do what?" I was slightly confused. Did I miss something?

"Wink at me. You just winked at me." He stood up and walked over to me.

I turned to face him. "Maybe."

"You drive me insane." He flipped my hair behind my shoulders.

"I could say the same for you." I smirked.

He laughed quietly and slid his hands up to hold my face, pressing his soft lips to mine.

"It's worth it though, am I right?"

I placed my hand on his. "Right."

"Enough of this mushy stuff, get ready so we can go."

He knows how to ruin good moments, but I still found myself smiling about it.


We had just passed the neighborhood Alan was supposedly from, chills growing down my arms. My emotion changed instantly.

I felt Harry glance over at me as if though he knew exactly what my reaction was.

"Want to hear something funny?" He tried cloud my thoughts.

"Go for it." I sighed. Sometimes he had the stupidest things to say, but I would laugh just to make him feel better.

The mister 'I'm a badass' image doesn't fit his inner personality, that only I seem to know.

"So last night when your mom came home, she came to your room-" I stopped him with an 'Oh god'.

"Please tell me she didn't see you, she'll flip on me." I panicked.

"No it's funny because I slid under the bed." He grinned.

"You fit under there?" I laughed.

"Somehow, it hurt like a bitch too."

I shook my head at him, my gaze fell upon his half smiling face.



The laughter stopped completely now and seriousness grew.

"How are you?"

"Why are you asking me that?" He didn't understand.

"I-I don't know. I just realized that I haven't really been paying attention I guess." I shrugged. But really, all of the problems lately have been mine.

"I'm fine." He stated simply.

"What about your dad? Have you heard about him?" Well maybe I shouldn't have said that.

His features turned hard and he shifted uncomfortably.

"No. I could give two shits about him." He spit.

I was very uneasy about his reaction so I decided to just accept that he basically rid his father from his life.

Somehow I wish I could mend them but there's no way in hell that would happen. Harry would probably kill his father himself if he had the opportunity.

"Sorry." He turned his head to me, knowing how uneasy I became.

"Understandable." I assured him. "I won't bring it up again."

"Thank you."

Wow way to make things awkward.

It's really sad to see their relationship compared to mine with my father, it breaks my heart. But I guess if my father had done the same thing, we'd be in the same situation.

I sighed and continued to look out the window. Why do I feel like there's so much tension between us lately?

I just want to get to Harry condo with Sage and cuddle up right now. The cooler weather and clouded sky makes it feel like the perfect day.

Take my mind off all the things that stress me out.

What I'm saying, basically everything stresses me out.

"I'll meet you at my room." He announced, clicking the keys out of the ignition and jumping out. The way he said it wasn't in an 'I'm pissed at you way'.

"I'm sorry." I said beneath my breath, he probably didn't even hear me. He was too busy walking up the stairs instead of going up the elevator with me.

The sound of his boots echoed in the staircase as I walked toward the elevator, pressing the up arrow.

Clutching my sweater tighter around me, the door opened suddenly and I didn't even hear it.

Standing inside it alone made me go a little crazy, my biggest fear is to get stuck in one of these. Alone.

A little panic grew in me until the door opened suddenly again, relief flushing through me.

Melissa's door was slightly cracked open so I decided to just let myself in. My dog is in there after all.

"Who's a cute boy." Her soft voice cooed, I could hear her down the hallway.

"Melissa?" I called so I wouldn't scare her too badly.

"Jesus you scared me!" She held her chest as I walked in, Sages tail now wagging crazily in my presence.

I scooped him off the floor and held him close. "I'm sorry but your door was already open!" I defended while continuous puppy kisses spread around my cheek.

"Oh I just brought him down to go out, he's already nearly potty trained!" She smiled, standing beside me and patting his head.

"Good boy!" I kissed his head, I may be completely in love with this sweet boy.

"Hey I'm sorry we- I never came and got him. We got caught up yesterday-"

"Making babies." She giggled. I slapped her arm, Sage growling playfully at me.

"No! I just- no." I shook my head but I was completely blushing.

"It's okay, I know you two- nevermind I'll stop." She was hysterical now knowing how embarrassed I was.

"Anyway!" I changed the subject. "If you need anything I'll be happy to help, thanks so much for watching him."

"No I absolutely adore this little guy, so did everyone else downstairs."

"Who wouldn't?" I smirked. "See yaaa."
and I was finally out, with my overly excited puppy.

"Ow little shit." I muttered under my breath when he nipped my cheek.

After nearly dropping him multiple times I made my way into Harry's condo, he wasn't in the living room or kitchen.

Hopefully he didn't leave.

"Harry?" No answer.

"Stay." I warned Sage but of course he wouldn't listen and trailed behind me down the hall.

Harry burst out the bathroom and startled both Sage and I, making me giggle at the scared puppy.

"I'm going to the gym." He announced, tossing his gym bag on his right shoulder and water in his left. He had on his blue shorts and white tank top, something in his hair to keep the curls back.

What is that? I questioned myself.

"How long will you be gone?" I asked him nicely as he strode right past me, Sage trying to catch his attention but Harry glared daggers at him.

"Don't worry about it." He mumbled and left me behind.

"Harry wa-" and he was gone. It feels like I go through this way too often.

A few hours passed, but I tried to not make a big deal of it. It makes me feel a little better since he told me that it's easy for him to take his anger out there.

But I've never understood why he gets so angry so easily.

I'm afraid to ask at times, like today.

I could hear someone bump into the door, then it happened a few more times.

Assuming it was Harry forgetting the key, I went and opened it. There he stood of course.

But he was awfully drunk.

"What the hell?" I questioned him, a smirk plastered on his face and eyes were getting redder. His hair was slightly wet, sweat droplets clung to his skin.

"I'm back!" He announced, followed by a giggle and picking me up swiftly. The smell of alcohol lingered around him.

"Put me down this isn't funny!" I beat on his chest but his strength was much more than mine. Even when he's drunk.

Without being annoying he dropped me but held a grip on my arms.

"I love you so fucking much." He tried to kiss me but I blocked him.

"No just stop, why are you like this?"

"I was tempted." He flashed a smile and rested his forehead onto mine.

"You were suppose to stop this remember?" I pushed him back.

"But it was just a few drinks!" He whined.

"You couldn't even open the fucking door!" I motioned to the door that I slammed shut seconds later.

"Yeah huh, you just came too early."

"That barely makes sense."

"It's makes sense to me."

"Whatever, seriously." I shook my head.

"No comeback." He grabbed my wrist before I could even storm off.

"Don't touch me." I scolded.

"I'll touch you whenever I want." He shot back, losing the funny drunk phase.

"Wow." I shook my head in disgust. "You can't change, can you?"

"That's not true." He pointed a finger at me.

"You said you wouldn't get this drunk again, I understand a few drinks but this is rediculous!" I shouted.

"I thought- I don't know. I can't think." He held the bridge of his nose with his fingertips.

"Of course you can't because your drunk off your ass, just like you were a few weeks ago while you were with that Samantha girl!" My eyes brimmed with tears at the memory of complete heartbreak.

"It's different, I was good." He assured me and tried taking a step toward me.

"I can't deal with you right now." I walked into his room with Sage in hand.

"Pay attention to me and not that fucking mutt!" He shouted at me.

"Go to hell Harry!" I continued to play with Sage on the floor like it didn't phase me.

Without even looking Harry picked him up and nearly threw him into the hallway.

"If you don't put him down, I will leave with him and you will NOT see either of us again." I threatened, his eyes widen slightly at my tone.

"Who are you kidding, you'll come crawling right back anyway!" He dropped Sage in my lap.

"You disgust me." I gritted my teeth, grabbing hold of Sage and walking out the door, Harry stumbling after me.

"If you don't come back-"

"What will you do Harry? Huh? What?" I spit at him, his mouth parted but nothing came out.

"That's what I thought." I felt like I had challenged him, but he learned quickly not to say anything.

How can you love someone who rips you apart on the inside?

I struggle with that problem on a daily basis.


Uh ohhhh

Harry why

I hope you all have a great thanksgiving, I'm so thankful for all of you guys 💜

You & I and Half a Heart are on repeat

Follow me on twittah @ashtonstryhard
and IG @twerkinstyles

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