Chapter 27

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holyyyy shizzz over 850,000 reads?! That's insane! I seriously can't thank you guys enough. I never would've expected to get past 500 reads, honestly. THANK YOU


(back to Jess' POV)

It absolutely made my day seeing Harry and my dad getting along, that's all I ever wanted honestly. I mean, yeah, at first Harry doesn't seem like the best or most honest person but once you get to know him, he really is.

We spent about half an hour taking to my dad, explaining what had happened to my leg and what not. I'm positive that Harry's protectiveness of me makes my dad like him even more. After all, I am daddy's little girl.

Eventually my dad began falling asleep because of all the medication he was taking. Earlier Harry had asked permission to take me out to eat, which my father hesitantly gave into.

Harry was sitting to my left. I looked over at him, which a half smile. He nodded at me and stood up, as if we were thinking the same thing. We tried to walk quietly out of the room but right as Harry was about to shut the door, I heard my dad call his name. Maybe the sound of my crutches awoke him.

I'm not sure what they said to each other, and I wasn't going to question it.

Harry carefully shut the door and took hold of my hand as we walked back to the elevator, which took us down to the lobby  His hand was a bit rough, but comforting.

Making way to his black Range Rover, I heard someone shout Harry's name. Harry looked around, unsure of where it came from.

I turned my head to see a man in his early twenties approach Harry. Immediately Harry dropped my hand and clenched his fists. Who was this guy?

"Alex." Harry stated coldly.

"Hey man, nice girl you got there." The man so called Alex stated, looking me up and down.

"Look at her like that again and I'll rip your fucking eyes out." Harry said moving so he could stand in front of me.

Alex threw his hands up, "Sorry, just stating facts.".

"What do you want." Harry said through gritted teeth.

"You know what? Just give me a call later." Alex said, looking at me one last time before walking back to his parked car. The way he looked at me gave me the chills, not in a good way.

Harry quickly got me into the car and sped off. You can tell when he is angry by the way he drives. "Harry calm down, what's the problem? He didn't even do anything!" I said, slightly scared of his reckless driving.

"You don't know him! He's trouble, that's all he is. If you ever see him, EVER, you better stay away, do you hear me?" he replied harshly.

"I'm not going to stay away until you tell me what kind of 'trouble' he is." I said back, just as harsh.

"He's capable of many things, things that you don't need to know about. Just promise me you'll stay away." He said, this time a little less rude.

I sighed, "Fine." I whispered, looking out the window. Trees flew by as Harry continued to speed down the highway.

"Harry." I stated.

"Yes?" he asked, calmed down.

"Can we go back to your condo instead. I'm not hungry anymore." I said, a little upset by Harry's outburst.

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