20- I Am Not A Goblin Monkey

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“Maybe you just need to calm down.” Zoey giggled as we finished our math homework, which is what we decided to do during free period today in Miss. Jane’s class room because neither one of us really understood what was happening that day in class.

“I’m not stressing.” I defended. “I just don’t particularly enjoy his presence.”

“He’s not a bad guy.”

“No, but he’s just like everybody else.” I grumbled, shutting my calculus text book as we both turned the homework into Miss. Jane so we didn’t have to take it home.

“Do you girls understand it now?” Miss. Jane asked us as we approached her desk.

“Yeah.” I chirped with a small smile and looked up at the clock to see that it was almost time for the day to end.

“Thanks, Miss. Jane.” Zoey called to the youngish teacher right as the bell rang, signaling the end of the school day and time for us to go find Jason, who informed me that his last period class was some music theory class, which was in the music wing, which was close to the art wing, which was very far away from the math wing.

“So what am I supposed to do while you’re being all artsy with the cute blonde boy?” Zoey whined to me as she hooked her elbow through mine.

“You can stay in the studio with us, that’d be nice.” I told her with a hopeful look.

“No.” She laughed. “I don’t like the studio, it smells like paint.”

“It’s a studio.” I pointed out.

“And I don’t like the smell of paint.” She defended. “So you have your artsy fun while I pig out on your food.”

“Fine, leave me alone with the boy who thinks I’m dumb as a pebble.” I mumbled just as we approached the music wing to see Jason leaning against a row of lockers. When he saw us, he stood up on his feet and started walking towards us.

“Hi, Jason.” Zoey chirped, way too friendly.

“Um, hey.” He muttered, walking on my right side- Zoey was on my left.

“Shut up, you creep.” I mumbled, nudging her side softly.

“I’m just trying to be friendly!” Zoey objected.

“You’re being weird.” I told her. “Anyway, I told Jarrod to meet us out this door so we don’t have to walk all the way out to the front.” I announced, pointing to the side door that emptied out the music wing.

“Who’s Jarrod?” Jason asked curiously.

“My driver.” I responded.

“Right.” He sighed. It was a sigh that said ‘of course you have a driver, you’re a spoiled brat’.

“I only have a driver because they won’t let us drive ourselves.” I defended just as we walked out the door and towards the sidewalk where there was a black SUV parked on the curb with Jarrod standing at the back door with the door open, waiting for us. Way to be subtle.

“Good afternoon, girls.” He greeted us. “And good afternoon to you too, sir.” He added when he noticed that Jason was coming with us.

“Jarrod, this is Jason, we’re doing a project together.” I announced as we slid into the back seat, me squeezed in the middle with Zoey on my right and Jason on my left.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, sir.” Jarrod smiled at Jason as he stepped into the driver’s seat and drove away from the large school. “And Alice, your mother should be coming home this weekend.”

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