35- We're Really Falling Apart

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Two weeks. That’s how long that it had been since the whole New Year fiasco, and everything was almost back to normal. Almost.

I mean, Danny was still amazing and adorable and perfect, but the sex definitely changed and I don’t think he completely forgave me for keeping my family life away from him. I know the Victoria thing wasn’t really a big deal to him, but it was a major deal to me because I could feel history repeating itself and I just panicked, and he just doesn’t understand that.

I wanted to take him to the family dinner that was that night, but I didn’t want my parents to tear him to shreds like I knew they would, and I really couldn’t handle that. If he ever met my father, he’d run for sure, and not just from my family, but from me.

“You’ll do great.” Alice assured me as she finished curling my hair for the night’s events and then pushing it into an elegant bun.

“Yeah, sure.” I mumbled and honestly, I wasn’t sure if I was more nervous about the family dinner thing or the fact that I was going to spend the weekend in Oklahoma with Danny. I remember when he told me of his plan on Christmas, I was overjoyed and completely excited about it, but now- I’m pretty positive he’s going to start asking questions about my family and maybe even about Victoria, and I didn’t want to answer those questions and then he’s going to get mad again and then I’m going to get mad and then we’re going to fight. And since we’re kind of on thin ice right now anyway, I don’t think that the fight will end well, for either of us.

“Hey, what’s bothering you? I mean, other than this dinner, I know that there’s something else.” Alice insisted when I was completely ready to go downstairs to meet everyone in the dining room. I was wearing a blue Michael Kors dress, which my mother had bought me just a few years ago, so I know that she won’t nag me about my clothing choices, and some black heels that looked kind of conservative.

 “Nothing, I’m just, I dunno, worried about Danny, I guess.” I muttered softly. “Things haven’t been the same since the New Year’s party and I think he’s still upset with me or something. I think we’re really falling apart here.”

“He’ll get over it, Zoe.” She assured me.

I shook my head. “No, I don’t think he will. I mean, it’s been two weeks already, I don’t think he’ll just forget it.”

“Well, you guys will figure things out, you’re such a perfect couple.” She insisted.

“I mean, do you think that I should tell him?” I asked her warily. “About Victoria and everything about my dad and stuff?”

Alice shrugged. “I don’t know, I’m not an expert on this stuff.”

“Did you tell Jason about things like this?” I asked her, looking for any kind of help that would help me out here.

She nodded. “Yeah, but I told him stuff when we were just partners, so I didn’t really care what he thought of me back then.”

I let out a long groan. “You’re not helping here, Ali.”

“I’m sorry, but I can’t make this decision for you.” She told me. “Just know that he loves you and you love him and in the end, that’s all that matters.”

I shook my head. “I’m beginning to think that this isn’t that simple.”

“Well then make it that simple, now go get downstairs and then when you get done, Danny will be waiting for you outside and I already packed your bags, so they’re with him. Just go and have a magical weekend because you deserve it.”

I mumbled a response before flattening out my dress and leaving the room. Alice was going to stay in my room for a while and then leave out the back so she didn’t have to disrupt the family dinner, which is something we’d both get in trouble for.

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