47- I Hate This And I Hate That

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Zoey’s POV

“Zoey, wake up.”

I opened my eyes to see Danny lying beside me and shaking me awake. “I don’t wanna.”

It was the day after prom and I was exhausted after the perfect events of last night. I didn’t want to wake up yet, so I kept my eyes firmly closed and shoved into one of Danny’s warm pillows.

“But you gotta.” He muttered, placing a hand on my back and rubbing softly. I was only wearing his white button up long sleeve shirt that he’d worn with his tux last night to prom, so I could feel his hand moving around nicely because the fabric was pretty thin.

I shook my head. “No.”

“Your brother called me.” Danny sighed from beside me.

That got me up immediately and sat up and looked at him with wide eyes. “Lance? What’d he call you for?”

“You wouldn’t answer your phone.” He replied. “He said something about your parents and that you needed to get home as fast as you can.”

 “Can we just pretend that I’m still sleeping for a bit longer?” I whined with a lazy groan, softly rubbing my leg against his.

He shook his head and leaned over, placing a soft kiss on the corner of my lips. “No, we can’t. It seemed really important.”

“You’re no fun.” I grumbled, standing up and walking over to his dresser.

“No, I’m plenty of fun.” Danny assured me. “But not when you have somewhere to be.”

I grabbed a pair of his sweat pants and pulled them on, tying the draw string around my waist so that they’d stay up while rolling them up at the waist so that they didn’t drag on the floor. “Nope, you’re just no fun.” I teased him.

Danny smirked sexily. “Okay, I’ll remember that.”

I gave him a pouty look. “Don’t make me regret saying that.”

He shrugged. “Too late, I already have a plan in my head.”

“Right, well I’m going to go now, because I guess this is just such an urgent matter.” I grumbled softly, moving over to the bed and bending down to give Danny a quick goodbye kiss. “I’ll text you later to inform you if I’m still alive or not.”

“I’m pretty sure you wouldn’t be able to text if you died.” Danny informed me.

I threw the bag that held my dress and heels over my shoulder and then moved for the door. “Technicalities, Danny. I’ll see you later.”

“I love you,” He responded cheekily.

“I love you too!” I called, leaving the room and making my way downstairs to call James. I was surprised when James was already down there, though.

“Mr. Chase sent me.” He informed me.

“My brother or my dad?” I wondered curiously, hopping into the back.

“Your brother.” James confirmed, driving away from the house. “But the other Mr. Chase is at the house too.”

“Great,” I muttered sarcastically. “Is everyone home then?”

He nodded, much to my horror. “Yes, ma’am.”

I let out a grumbled sigh and then checked my phone. I had a few missed calls from Lance and a text with him explaining that our parents were home for a surprise visit. That had me worried because I haven’t seen my father since that incident in January and I’m pretty sure Lance hasn’t even talked to our dad since he found out about what happened, so I was positive that there was a disaster waiting for me at my house and possibly a dead body or something.

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