27- I Think This Is Magical

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“I cannot believe what is right in front of my eyes.”

“What’s not believable?” I asked the nerdy looking boy sitting across from me at the table. It was Monday, the Monday after the dance, and I decided to sit with Danny at his lunch table. Apparently, that’s what couples do, they sit together during lunch, at least that’s what Danny had told me. And because we are now a couple, as in boyfriend and girlfriend, I should sit with him. Alice agreed with this so she sat with Jason at his table.

The nerdy boy nudged towards me and then shoved his nose into the book that he seemed very interested in.

“That’s Chuck.” Danny informed me, motioning towards his skittish friend. “He’s a little afraid of you.”

I leaned towards Danny, mimicking the way that he was leaning towards me, and then whispered, “I’m pretty sure everyone is at least a little afraid of me.”

He nodded in agreement. “Yeah, that’s true.”

I scoffed at his agreement. “You weren’t supposed to agree, but thanks.”

This made Danny laugh. “It’s true though.”

“Okay, so,” Another one of Danny’s friends cleared his throat from beside Chuck. “is this going to be a daily occurrence now?”

“What, Zoey sitting here?” Danny asked his friend.

The friend nodded and I really wished that Danny had introduced me to all of these people so that I didn’t have to call them Friend 1 and Friend 2 all of the time because it makes me feel mean.

“Yes.” The friend confirmed. “It appears that you two are now… intimate, and normally, when two people are engaging in-“

“Yeah, she’s going to be sitting with us, most days.” Danny interrupted his friend’s babble before looking over at me. “And that is Garret.”

“I’m Garret.” The blonde boy repeated the statement before poking his gasses farther up his nose to keep them steady and then looked down at his lunch to continue eating his lasagna.

“Hi,” I chirped in a friendly manner. Sure, Chuck and Garret both seemed to be excessively nerdy, but I found it adorable and they were nice, so it’s not like I was going to be mean to them for their uncontrolled and very unfortunate acne problems and overly sized brain activity. “I’m Zoey.”

This made Danny laugh beside me and his left hand found my right one underneath of the table. “They know who you are, Zoe.”

I shrugged innocently. “I was just trying to be polite.”

“Okay, well anyway, there’s Garret and Chuck and then there’s Brandon and Shane.” Danny informed me, pointing towards the other two people at the table who weren’t Chuck and Garret.

“I’m really bad with names.” I admitted meekly.

Danny smiled at me. “You don’t have to remember them. They’re really weird, anyway.”

“Yeah, we’re right here.” The red head who was Brandon chimed in from across the table. “We can hear you.”

“I know.” Danny chirped jokingly.

“So are you guys on the newspaper with Danny?” I asked in attempt to start a conversation with his friends.

“Yeah,” Brandon confirmed. “I do graphic design, Shane is the head of layout, and Garret and Chuck are current events.”

“What do you do?” I asked, looking over at Danny.

“Literature mostly,” He responded through a bite of his fries. I took one from his tray and ignored the dirty look that he sent me.

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