42- He Isn't You

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“Zoey, I can’t do this.” I sobbed into the phone at two in the morning.

“Tell me what happened.” She insisted calmly. “I’m right here, Ali.”

“I just… I can’t even think right now.” I mumbled hysterically. “All I can think is what I did wrong but I don’t know. I mean, am I too skinny or too fat or too short or tall or to quiet or talkative or too blonde or brunette or too stupid or smart. I don’t know what’s wrong with me.”

“Nothing is wrong with you.” She told me. “Look, I’m on my way now, okay? I’m texting James as we speak.”

“Why wasn’t I good enough? Why am I never good enough? I really try to be, I try so hard but it’s never enough.” I cried into my pillows.

“Alice, you’re always enough. You’re perfect, it’s just all of the other people who are too stupid to really see that.” I heard shuffling around and I think that she was getting dressed or something of the nature.

“I just want to give up so bad.” I wailed.

“Don’t you dare.” She barked. “Don’t you ever give up.”

“Zoey, everyone is just happier without me in the picture.”

“What about me?” She snapped. “Do you think I would be fucking happier without you in the picture?”


“No.” She snapped. “No, don’t even say shit like that, Alice. There’s no Alice without Zoey, there’s no Zoey without Alice. We’re best friends, we’re inseparable. We’re sisters.”

“I still love him, Zoey.” I whimpered.

“I know.” She sighed. “And he’s already on his way up to your room to see you.”

“What?!” I shrieked hysterically.

“I can’t be there for another few hours.” She defended. “Just hear him out, okay? I know it’s not what you want to hear from me right now, but you’re seriously scaring me right now, so I’m just going to hit you with the truth. I never listened, but Lance says that he has a story behind the Amber fiasco, so listen. It’ll make you feel better.”

“How do you know?”

“Because I know Lance and as much as you don’t think you do right now, you know him too, and we both know that he’s a good guy so there has to be some kind of reason that he made this whole mess.” She explained just as there was a knock on the door.

“He’s here.” I breathed.

“Okay, I’m getting on the plane, so just breathe and please, Alice, don’t do anything stupid. I love you.” And then she hung up. I combed through my hair with my fingers before popping into the kitchen, asking the chef to make some hot chocolate and then I hurried to the front door.

Lance was standing on the other side, looking tired, but frantic. When he saw me, he relaxed noticeably, but then frowned again. “You look like crap, Ali.” He muttered.

“Yeah, well I’ve been crying all night, so…” I mumbled softly.

 “Are you okay?” He asked me. “Danny said that Zoey is really hysterical about you.”   

“Danny?” I questioned.

“While you were on the phone with Zoey, she had Danny call me.”

“Well clearly, you can see that I’m fine.” I sniffled, wiping more tears from my eyes. “But thanks.”


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