Kailar - Chapter 10

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It wasn't long before Nathan showed up with coffee. He also brought me a pop tart from his own personal stash of food. Once I had that I felt more awake. Nina soon joined with Logan proudly by her side. They greeted good mornings before Nathan said it was time to start. It was still pitch dark at the compound when they sounded the alarms, along with the gun sounds ringing throughout the morning silence.

Kailar pulled me closer probably to make sure I wasn't scared at the sudden riot as the warriors went around to the different rooms yelling for the Omegas to hurry and dress themselves properly before they were hurried out their rooms and down into the courtyard. Many were gasping for air as the struggled to hurry in time. As they made their way into the courtyard they were all told to line up and wait for orders.

"Morning Omegas. Today you will embark on a journey into a new step of your life, what you do today will determine your future. You have the choice to prove to us you are worth our time, or you will journey back through those black gates." Kailar stated letting me go and taking charge. He remained close but ventured off a little.

"You are broken into sections, each will have two instructors. You will listen to your instructor throughout the whole day. The day will consist of physical training, and mental strength. If you cannot handle it you are free to leave. Understood?"

The all bowed their head in respect.

"Good, now..." Kailar looked at his watch. "It is almost six o'clock which is starting time. Those who make it will return to the compound at twelve o'clock and have one hour to get ready for the ceremony starting one fifteen. Warriors you may now take charge of your sections." Kailar ordered as the Warriors took over, some stayed to warm up their Omegas while others started to head out the gate to the training field. There was still a lot of noice which was probably keeping the others up, if Kailar didn't wake me up I most likely would have on my own.

Kailar made his way back over to me pulling me back into his embrace.

"Are you going to go out with Section one?" Nathan asked Kailar as Logan walked off with Section four, Nina treading right behind him.

"Yea, section one is good. Marcus should have section three." Kailar responded.

"Correct, I will be going now." Nathan responded as he walked off toward Section two.

"He seems a little off today." I murmured into Kailar's chest.

"Very but I am not worried he isn't the most normal person you meet. Now let's go check out this section, I have a ton of paperwork to do, and prepare for the ceremony." He gently tugged me along toward the section currently doing a set of pushups."

"This is going to be a long day" I grumbled following behind him.

It was around eleven thirty before we finally made it back to the room. I did absolutely nothing and I was exhausted, and felt slightly bad for the Omegas who were working their butts off, out on the training fields and mountain course. Kailar made sure to stop me by the Hall while it was still early to grab me some breakfast, and run over the agenda for the rest of the day. He was mainly nervous about me having my first interview. He didn't want me to feel uncomfortable from any of the questions they asked, and I had to make him swear not to snap on the reporters because they were only doing their job.

It was silent most of the day as we got ready. Kailar took the time to fix his uniform and add the more embellishment's of it. Kailar's mother personal staff so came to get me ready, they took over half the room with everything. The stylist did my makeup which was neutral with a small black cat eye, and dark red lipstick. It took almost thirty minutes to do my hair which was now in loose curls down my back and in place with hairspray, because my hair wouldn't last in the humidity. Once that was over a tall woman picked out the dress she though would be the best looking out of the three. I wasn't arguing the dress was absolutely stunning and matched Kailar's uniform.

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