Chapter 28 part 2 and Chapter 29

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Jacob looked down at Elena "You know she's sick and its not some silly cold.". Edward looked down at Elena and said sadly "I know.". "You know you could take over." Said Jacob. Edward raised an eyebrow clearly confused. "Elena's burning up now you can come cool her down." Said Jacob. Edward nods getting up from where he was sitting and walks over and lays next to Elena where Jacob once was. Jacob walks over to the entrance of the tent. He looks back at Edward who has a light smile on his face as he held Elena close. 'He really loves her. I just wish he showed it.' Jacob thought.

Elena's point of view

I woke up to a bright light shinning in my face. I slowly sat up and stretched. I soon realized I was alone. I quickly changed into some different clothes Once I was done I unzipped the tent, climbed out and rezipped it back up. The wind had died down but it was still cold. The snow covers the ground it comes to my ankles. I jump a little when I see a giant wolf that wasn't Jake. Once I relised who it was I said "Sorry Seth you just kinda scared me.". Seth's wolf came up to me and nussled his head into me. I smiled and petted him. "Where is everyone?" I asked. Seth turned his head to the side. I walked over to where Seth looked. I saw Edward staring at something. I walked up nex to him and looked at what he was looking at. And then I saw it Bella and Jake KISSING! I looked at Edward who didn't look the slightes upset. "You look okay for seing your girl friend making out with the guy you dispise." I said. "It was going to happen sooner or later." Said Edward. I raised an eyebrow but before I could say anything I started to feel nauses. I ran over away from Edward and nelt down and next thing I knew I'm vomiting. I open my eyes to see I threw up......Blood? I slowly stood up but I soon fell over. But I didn't hit the ground I was caught by a pair of cold arms. All of a sudden I'm whipped around and against a cliff wall. "She's close I can hear er thoughts. She saw we weren't there but sbe caught my sent-" I inteuppted Edwar by saying "Who Edward. Who?". All of sudden Bella comes running towards me and Edward. Edward pushed Bella behind him too. "Edward answer me who found us?!" Insaid frantic. "She knew you both would be with me. She knew Alice would be too bust to see her decide." Said Edward. "Victoria found us?" Said Bella. "And she's not alone." Said Edward. Suddenly someone emerges from the woods. I soon reconise its Riley. "Riley, Listen to me. Victoria's using you- to distract me. But she knows I'll kill you." Said Edward. I saw Riley hesitate clearly surprised to be adressed. "Actually, she's glad she won't have to deal with you anymore." Said Edward. I look over when I see Victoria emerge from the woods and say "Don't listen to them, Riley. I told uou about their mind tricks.". "Yes, I can read minds. That's how I know what she thinks of you. How I know she doesn't love you." Said Edward. "He's lying-" Edward cuts her off by saying "Her sole purpose for creatig you and this army was to avenge her true mate, James. That's all she cares about. Not you.". I could see the hesitation in Riley's eyes . He glances at Victoria. "There's only you, you know that." Said Victoria. "Think about it. Your from Forks, you know the area. That's why she choose you. She's using you like she using the rest of them-" Victoria cuts Edward off by saying "Riley, don't let him do this to us. I love you.". Riley turns to Edward and said "Your dead.". Riley charges towards Edward for some reason doesn't move. All of a sudden Seth comes and attacks Riley. Riley roars with fury and pain before throwing Seth into a tree. Seth doesnt move. Without relising what I was doing I speeded around Edward and towards Seth. But I didn't make it before someone grabs me by the hair which made me yelp in pain. There is hand on my neck and one pulling on my hair. I soon came to relisation it was Victoria holding me. "I never knew Edward you could be SO cold hearted." Victoria said as she yanked on my hair. "Let her go Victoria." Edward sneered. "I don't think I will. But before I kill her I want to know does Elena know what your hiding from her?" Said Victoria. Edward stayed silent. "Poor. Poor. Elena slowing dieing cause her mate is dening her for some human.". Said Victoria. "What?" I whispered. Victoria turned my head so it was facing her and said "Edwards your mate sweetie.".

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