Chapter 6

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A two weeks later Elena's point of view

"But daddy.'' I whined for which felt like the thousand time. "For the last time Elena no.'' said dad. "I don't get it everyone else gets to.'' I whined. "Because they don't age faster.'' said Dad. I was trying to convince him to let me go to school because it's soooo boring staying home. "I only look 17 and I don't even age that fast.'' I argued. "No Elena.'' said Dad. Just then Edward came in and said "I think you said let her Carlisle she still needs to experience the teenage life.''. Dad sighed and said "Fine.''. I jumped up in the air and said "Yes!''. I ran over hugged dad and said "Thank you thank you thank you.''. "Yeah. Yeah.'' Dad mumbled before he went into the other room. I ran over to Edward, hugged him and said "Thank you Eddie.''. Edward hugged me back and said "Now go to bed.''. I scoffed, crossed my arms and said "Rude and I thought we were having a moment.''. Edward smiled, rolled his eyes the walked away. Your so mean Edward walking away from someone when they're talking to you learn some manners!

I heard Edward laugh as I climbed the stairs. I walked into my room and shut the door.

I put on my night clothes and went to bed.

I was asleep well trying to sleep someone was shaking me saying "Elena wake up.''. I rolled on my side and said "Five more minutes.''. "Now Elena.'' said a familiar voice who I soon recognized it belonged to Rebecca. I sat up, rubbed my eyes and said "What?!''. "Do you want to go to school or not?'' asked Rebecca. I glanced at the clock to see it was.......6a.m.! "6am really Rebecca who gets up at 6a.m.?!'' I asked. "You're the one who wanted to so badly to go to school now get ready.'' Rebecca said with a smirk before leaving my room. "I hate you.'' I mumbled. "LOVE YOU TOO!'' Rebecca yelled back. "REBECCA THAT'S MY LINE NOT YOURS!'' yelled Edward. "OH GROW UP EDWARD!'' Rebecca yelled back. "WILL YOU BOTH JUST SHUT THE HELL UP?!'' I said not wanting to hear their arguing at freaking 6a.m. I swung my legs on the side of the bed, got up, and grabbed some clothes. I laid them on my bed then went into my bathroom and took a shower.

When I got out I wrapped a towel around my body and got dressed. I then straightened my hair and put on light make up.

I walked out of my room and down stairs. I walked in the sitting room only to have Edward swing his arm over my shoulder and say "Good Morning Elena.''. I gave him the death glare. I knew Edward was doing this to annoy me because he knows for a fact I ABSOLUTY hate waking up early. "You know if looks could kill Edward you would have been slaughtered by now with Elena's death glares.'' said Jasper. Alice stood up and said "Anyway......Elena we were wondering if the girls could ride in you car.''. I glared at Edward one last time before saying "Sure but why I thought you all ride in Emmett's jeep.''. "Ya there's not enough room anymore since Rebecca started going to school.'' said Rosalie. "Now lets go.'' Alice chirped. We all let for school after that.

I got out of my car only to have many stares from people. When I knew Edward was behind me I said "Eddie why they staring cause I don't like it.''. "Your new what do you expect now come on I'll go with you to get your schedule.''. "No it's fine I can find it by myself.'' I said. "You sure it's no...'' Edward was saying before I interrupted him and said "I'll be fine.''. "Okay but don't fall we all know you're a klutz.'' said Edward as I walked away. I turned around while walking backwards then I said "Oh come on I haven't fell in....'' I was interrupted by almost falling. "Now.'' I said with a smile. When Edward started to laugh I pointed to him and said "No laughing at me mister.''. Edward put his hands up in surrender. I walked away after that. I was walking down the hallway when I ran into someone. "Oh my gosh I'm soooo sorry.'' I said as I helped her up. "Its fine I'm just glad I'm not the only clumsy one around here.'' she said as she brushed herself off. I stuck out my hand, smiled and said "I'm Elena.''. She smiled, shook my hand and said "I'm Bella.''. "Well Bella do you mind showing me where the attendance office is I'm new so...yeah.'' I said. "Oh I'm new too so I have nooo clue.'' said Bella. "Well Bella lets go find it together.'' I said. Bella smiled and said "Lets.''. Finally me and Bella were able to find the office. I went up first to get my schedule. The lady handed it to me. As Bella got hers I looked at mine.

My schedule;

1- Calculus with Mr. Varner Building 5

2- Government with Mr. Jefferson Building 6

3- Spanish with Mrs. Goff Building 7

4- Gym with CoachClapp Building Gym


5- Biology II with Mr. Banner Building 2

6- English with Mr. Mason Building 3

When Bella was done she walked up to me and said "So what's your
schedule?''. I showed her mine as I looked at hers. I looked at it and
said "Awww we only have two classes together.''. "It's ok hey come on
lets get out of this office it kinda smells like Chinese food.'' said Bella
with a smile. I smiled and said "I wasn't gonna say anything but come
on.''. Me and Bella both laughed the let the office. We were walking
when a guy walked up to us and said "You're Isabella Swan, the
new girl. Hi. I'm Eric. The eyes and ears of this place. Anything you
need. Tour guide, lunch date, shoulder to cry on.''. Bella and I both
shared a look that said 'is he for real.' "I'm kind of the 'suffer in
silence' type.'' said Bella. "And I'm just not interesting.'' I said.
"Good headline for both your feature I'm on the paper, and you're
both news, baby, front page.'' said Eric. "'m not news....I'm
seriously not at all.'' stuttered Bella. "Whoa, Chillax no feature but what
about you.'' said Eric. I gave him an apologetic smile and said "Sorry but
no.''. "It's fine but you two need any help finding any classes.'' said Eric.
"Would you mind pointing me to Mr. Varner classroom?'' I asked. "And
Mr. Mason's for me.'' said Bella. I look over and see Edward who is
waving me over.
"Uh never mind I think I'll find it.'' I said. "You sure?'' asked Eric. "Yeah
it's fine see you in second period Bella.'' I said before rushing to
Edward. "Look at you making friends I'm so proud I could cry.'' Edward
said with a smile as he wipes away fake tears. I playfully pushed him
and said "Oh shut up.''.

Edward's Point of view

Its lunch and I'm waiting for Elena outside the cafeteria. Elena who is
running late even though we have the same class before lunch which
was Gym. I looked up when I heard her running down the hallway. "Sorry
I'm late.'' said Elena. "I don't get how your late you, me, Alice and Rosalie
have the same class yet you're the last one here.'' I said. "Sorry now
come on.'' said Elena before she pulled me into the cafeteria. I got my
usual stares but more probably since Elena's with me. I heard the new
girl say "Who's he?''. "That's Edward Cullen not sure who the girl is
though.'' said Jessica. "She is hot.'' said Tyler what ever his last name
is. I did my best to hold back a growl when called Elena that. I know it's
true but still. Right when Me and Elena sat down I heard the new girl
'Bella' say "That's Elena.''. "You know her?'' Jessica in shock. "Yeah
she sorta ran into me.'' said Bella. I looked at Elena and said "You ran
into her?''. Elena looked down, smiled and said innocently "I'm a klutz.''.
I smiled and rolled my eyes. Emmett put his arm around Elena, messed
up her hair and said "Its ok Lena we all know you trip over your own two
feet.''. Elena pushed Emmett's arm off of her and said "Don't touch the
hair.''. I laughed a little as Elena fixed her hair.

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