Chapter 30 THE LAST CHAPTER OF THE TRUE MATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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3rd person point of view

Elena eyes widened, not wanting to believe the words coming out of Victoria mouth. "What? Your.....your lying.'' Elena said in shock. "Why would I lie to you about this? Why don't you ask you dear Edward.'' Victoria said sickly sweet. Victoria released Elena just enough for her to turn her head slightly, knowing she was too weak to escape even if she tried. When Elena's eyes met Edward her heart shattered. Edward face held the same snarl but his eyes held so much pain, and regret. A tear escaped Elena's eyes. Without no second thought Bella, who still stood behind Edward, picked up a sharp rock off the ground. Before doing anything she had one thought that she wished Elena could have heard. "I'm sorry.''. Without thinking Bella sliced the sharpness of the rock down her arm. All of a sudden, the smell of Bella's blood filled the vampires noses. In shock of the sudden smell of blood, Victoria drops Elena and speeds over to Bella only to be thrown against the rocks by Edward.

Bella's point of view

As Edward and Victoria began to fight, I rushed over to Elena who hasn't moved and is still lying face first in the snow. I slowly turn Elena over, only to see her eyes slightly open, her skin pale as the icy white snow, and blood dripping down from her nose. I noticed her eyes were beginning to close. I began to slightly tap her cheek while shaking her and saying "Elena. Elena! up Elena!''. I heard a snap and something being lit. I didn't bother looking up, I was still trying to get Elena to stay awake. I felt Elena getting taken out of my arms. I looked up and saw Edward, on his knees, cradling Elena in his arms. If he could cry I bet you right now would be the moment. "I'm....I'm going to get her down to Carlisle.....he......he can help her.....'' Edward's voice was just above a whisper. I nodded looking over at Seth us both thinking the same thing.

Edward's point of view

I ran as fast as I could with Elena body clutched to me. When I got to the bottom of the mountain. I saw the family with the Volturi. "Well....well look who decided to join.'' Aro said when he saw me. (I know Aro wasn't there after the newborn army fight but just pretend he was please) Esme turned around and cried out "My baby!''. The whole family surrounded me but I could still see the Volturi who had pained looks in their eyes when they saw Elena. Emmett tried to grab Elena from me but I wouldn't let her go. "What.....what happened?'' asked Carlisle. Pain, and sorrow hit me like a ton of bricks. "You know Cullens we could always take Elena.'' said Aro. The whole family glared deathly at the Volturi. "We will never-'' before Rosalie could finish I heard a faint voice say "I.......i........i.....want to go......with.....with them.''. "But Elena-'' said Esme before Elena interrupted by slowly getting out of my arms. With wobbly legs Elena walked over to the Volturi but when she got half way she turned to me looked me directly in the eyes and with a strong, but sad voice said

Elena's point of view

"You never loved me, did you?'' I said before darkness took ahold of me.

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