Chapter 24

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Hey guys sorry I havent updated this story totally my fault and there is no excuses. I do plan to make another update again in a while. I also plan to stay up all night if that's what it takes to get another update in so be patient with me. Oh by the way in the next chapter there will be a big plot twist to the story just saying. Now on with the story! WARNING NOT MY BEST CHAPTER IT IS KINDA BORING!

Dear Diary,

Bonjour comment allez-vous.....hehehehehe I'm learning french so that means "hello how are you?". There I go talking to a diary like it's an actual person. Anyway on MORE important notes I asked Jasper if my diary can feel emotions and he said and I quote "No Elena a diary can NOT feel emotions. Its a book not a person blah blah blah" Ya I kinda zoned out in the end. But heck with what he thinks I'm going to keep talking to my diary like it's a person cause that's just who I am. Aaaannnnyyyywwwwaaaay Edward left again but this time he went with Bella! Gross right! Well they went to Jacksonville to visit Bella's mother. Edward kinda pushed her into it. Rosalie tried to get me to go to Paris with her to go shopping. But I being as SMART I am realised something was up with everyone so I stayed here. Even though I REALLY wanted to go to Paris to go shopping. Well I got to go I'm ditching school to go to La Push.....shhhhh don't tell. Bye bye!!!!!



I grabbed my backpack off my bed and headed down stairs. I saw Damon with his back turned towards me as I walked down the stairs. I took the opportunity to run towards him, jump on his back, wrapped my legs around his waist and say "Sneak Attack!". "You know it's not really a sneak attack if I heard your heals coming out of your room, down the stairs, and run towards me." Damon said with a smirk as he put his hands on my thighs to support me so I wouldn't fall. I pouted and said "Ruin my fun why don't Ya!". Damon laughed when I jumped off this back, and stomped towards the front door. "Wait you forgot something!" Damon yelled as I walked towards my car. I stopped walking, turned around but before I could understand what he was doing I felt his lips on mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck loving the feeling of him close to me. All of a sudden the moment was so rudely interruptted by a squeal coming from the one and only Alice. "Awe you guys are SO cute! But seriously Elena come on I'm driving you to school." Alice said squealing the first part. "Wait why can't I drive myself to school?" I asked. "Because Elena I can't see your future." Said Alice.


Damon walked over to me, wrapped his arms protectively around my waist and said "What does that mean Alice? Does that mean she's gonna die?". I could tell it hurt Damon to say the part about me dying. Alice laughed which made Damon tighten his grip on my waist. "No silly it just means she was sneaking off to go to La Push. And if she was dying I would know." Said Alice. Damon turned me around me in one swift motion so I was facing him. I knew for a fact Damon was okay with the wolves but he just doesn't like that they could hurt me in one single moment. As soon as I saw the anger staring to form in Damon's eyes, I wiggled my self out of his grip, ran over to Alice and pulled her to her car. Alice laughed as I scurried into the car and was putting my seat belt fast. As Alice backed out of the driveway, I crossed my arms and said "How dare you feed me to the sharks?". All Alice did was laugh in response.

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