Chapter 9

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3rd person point of view (This 3rd person part I give full credit to Twilight because I DO NOT own this 3rd person point of view part)

The rain has stopped, but the parking lot is full of water and patches of black ice. Shivering, Bella heads for her truck, carrying the onion while carefully navigating the ice puddles. As she reaches her truck she looks across the parking lot. Edward stands by his Volvo Elena urging him to come on but he doesn't move. Edward's eyes meet Bella's..... then he looks towards the sound of a high pitched SCREECH, that quickly grows LOUDER.......

Bella turns to see a VAN-----in shock of seeing what's coming.-----THE VAN'S DRIVER'S FACE - TYLER, desperately trying to gain control, then shielding his face. THE VAN is about to hit Bella's truck, with her standing between.....when suddenly, something knocks Bella down, pinning her to the ground. Bella looks up - Edward is on top of her. Bella looks to see Edward's hand in a giant dent. He looks at her one last time before getting up and leaving.

Elena's point of view

"HOW COULD YOU EDWARD!?'' I yelled with pure anger. "WHAT WAS I SUPPOSE TO DO LET HER DIE AND JUST WATCH THE WHOLE THING HAPPEN?!'' Edward yelled. "Oh good now your catching on I thought you would never get it.'' I said. "I wasn't going to sit back and watch the whole thing Elena.'' said Edward. "I'm not gonna watch put this whole family in jeopardy just because you have a stupid little crush on a human.'' I said before storming out of the house.

Edward's point of view(Again I don't own this part,)

I arrive at the hospital only to have Rosalie and Carlisle but mainly Rosalie yell at me. "This is just about you, it's about all of us....'' Rosalie got interrupted by Carlisle stopping her. We turn to see Bella ease dropping around the corner. "Lets continue this in my office.'' said Carlisle. Rosalie glared at me as she goes off with Carlisle. I was walking but Bella stopped me and said "Can I talk to you for a moment?'' I nod "How did you get over to me so quickly?''. "I was standing right next to you.'' I said determinedly. "No you weren't, you were next to your car with Elena, across the parking lot.'' Bella said determinedly. I step closer. My expression turns icy hard then I said "No I wasn't.''. Bella stepped closer and said "Yes. You were.''. "You're confused. You hit your head pretty hard.'' I said. "I know what I saw.'' she said. "And what, exactly, was that?'' I asked. "You stopped that van. You pushed it away.'' said Bella. "No one will believe that.'' I said. "I wasn't planning telling anyone.'' said Bella. This registers with me. We are inches away from each other and the tension is thick. "I just want to know the truth.'' said Bella. "Can't you just thank me and get it over with.'' I snapped. "Thank you.'' she snapped back. "You're not going to let this, go are you?'' I asked. "No.'' said Bella. I turn around, walk away and said "Then I hope you enjoy disappointment.''. "Why did you even bother?'' asked Bella. I stopped, look back at her unexpectedly and said "....I don't know.''.

Elena's point of view

I walked out of my bathroom drying my hair with a towel. I threw my dirty clothes in the hamper along with my towel. I tied my hair up in a ponytail. I pulled down my pajama shirt. I walked down the stairs and walked into the sitting room were everyone was except Mom and Dad they were out hunting. Jasper looked up from his book and said "Really Elena cookie monster.''. I put my hands on my hips and said "Really Jasper and I'm surprised you know who cookie monster is.''. Jasper rolled his eyes. "So where's Edward?'' I asked. Everyone shrugged. Alice jumped off the couch, skipped over to me and said "Hey Lena we were wondering if you would sing for us.''. "But I don't sing.'' I said. "We heard you singing in the shower Lena.'' said Rebecca. "Damn it.'' I mumbled. "So will you?'' asked Alice. "Uh I don't know.'' I said. Alice grabbed my hands and while jumping up and down she said "Please.'' over and over again. I put my hands on Alice's shoulders and said "If I say yes will you stop jumping up and down?''. "Probably.'' said Alice. I sighed and said "Fine come on.''. Everyone jumped up and followed me to Edward's piano that ONLY I GET TO USE. I sat down on the piano bench and began to sing and play I won't give up by Jason Mraz.

When I was done everyone just stood there shocked. After a few minutes they still were just standing there so I said "Was it that bad?''. "That was amazing.'' said Rosalie. I smiled and said "Really?''. "That was beautiful sweet heart.'' said a familiar voice. I turned around to see Mom and Dad standing in the door way. I smiled again. "Can you play something else?'' asked Jasper. I nodded. and began to play Impossible by Shontelle.

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