Jasper's Point of view (Chapter 16)

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I was laying on mine and Alice's bed with my hands behind my head while staring at the ceiling. I heard a knock on the bedroom door, and someone sit on the edge of the bed. I didn't even have to look to know that it was Alice. "Jazz you need to go hunt.'' said Alice. I shook my head and rolled on my side so I was facing the wall. I've been like this since Elena left, she was the one that kept me happy. Yeah Alice makes me happy but something about Elena makes me happy maybe it's probably because she always has a happy aroma no matter what her mood is. "Please.'' Alice begged. I shook my head. "Jazz I know she always made you happy but you can't keep doing this to your self.......Edward isn't even this bad.'' said Alice but mumbled the last part about Edward. I shot up and said "Well maybe he should! It is his fault she left and now he's off with some STUPID human who I wished died!''. Alice looked surprised one probably cause I snapped at her which I never do and second probably cause I said I wished Bella died which I secretly kinda of do. I got off the bed, and as I put on my jacket Alice said "Where are you going?''. "For a walk.'' I said simply before walking towards the open window and jumping out. I speeded far out into the forest and stopped when I heard voices. I knew for a fact these voices were human's because my hunger grew ten no a thousand times more. I took deep breaths which I didn't need really but sometimes they help. I was about to loose control but stopped when I remember the first time I took Elena hunting........

Flash Back

I stood at the bottom of the stairs waiting for little Elena. I looked up when I saw Elena actually WALKING down the stairs for once. When she got to the bottom of the stairs I picked her up and she giggled. "You ready?'' I asked. Elena nodded her head and clapped. "Good now come on.'' I said before I threw Elena on my back and she giggled before speeding off. When we got far enough into the forest I stopped and set Elena on her feet. "Elena just watch me.'' I said. Elena nodded. I speeded and found a mountain lion and fought it. After a couple minutes I stuck my teeth in. I was drinking when I smelt...........................................................................Human blood. My head shot up from the mountain lion's neck and I bet my eyes went black. I slowly got up and started to walk towards the sweet smell. When I saw the man that was bleeding in sight I stopped when I felt a small hand grab mine. I looked down at Elena with my eyes dark as night. "Please don't hurt him Jazzy he's just hurt.'' said Elena. My head snapped towards the man when he started to move. Elena tugged on my hand and said "Come on Jazzy let's go back.''. I looked back at the man one last time before nodding my head, picking up Elena and speeding back home.

Flash Back Over

The memory was able to bring me to a happy place long enough for the human's to get away. I didn't even realize I was back at the house till I saw the porch lights. Just then I felt the wave of emotions of everyone that I been blocking out and all those emotions were pain, sorrow, anger, and grief. I fell to my knees, and just broke down. I felt a familiar pair of arms wrap around me and whisper in my ear "Shhh Jazz it's going to be ok.''. I dry sobbed into Alice's shoulder. "Come on Esme and I found something that you might want to take a look at.'' said Alice. I nodded, stood up and followed Alice inside. Alice pulled me by the hand up the stairs and as she pulled me we passed Edward who looked sad. Ya right your not sad quit lying......and go back to your pathetic human. Edward looked away and out the window. Alice pulled up the stairs and to Elena's room. Esme was sitting on the edge of Elena's bed looking through photo albums like she has been since Elena left. We stood in the doorway and Esme looked up. She stood up off the bed, walked over, gave me a small smile and handed me a picture. I looked down at the picture, smiled and stared at it.

Flash Back

I was driving the car with 13 year old Elena in the passenger seat. I was taking her to Canada to the family's horse ranch and yes we have a horse ranch. I was going to teach Elena how to ride a horse and then I was taking her riding for her 13 birthday. Do you know how hard it was to get Elena away from Edward let me just tell you this he is too attached to her I know she's his mate but still. "Are we there yet?'' asked a VERY impatient Elena. I laughed and said "Sorry darling but no.''. Elena groaned, fell back in the seat and crossed her arms. About five minutes later I saw the horse ranch in sight. "Jazzy is that where your taking me?'' asked Elena. I smiled and said "That it is darling.''. Elena smiled and watched in awe as we pulled up. Elena got out as soon as I did then she said "Who owns this place it's beautiful.''. "Why us of course what you think I would take you to some stranger house.'' I said. Elena laughed and followed me into the barn. "I'm going to get the saddle while you pick a horse.'' I said. Elena looked at me wide eyed before running off. I laughed before going to get the saddle. I picked the two saddles off the hook. For a human this would have been impossible but not for me since I'm a vampire. "Elena where'd you run off to.'' I said. I looked around the corner to see Elena feeding full moon or moon as we call her. "I see you found moon she a beauty aint she.'' I said with a smile. Elena petted her and said "She's gorges.''. I opened the door and held Moon by the rain and Elena said "What are you doing.''. "Well I'm teaching you how to ride her is that alright with you.'' I said. Elena nodded and smiled.I put the blanket, and I put saddle on Moon then I said "Hold on to the rain while I go get my horse.''. I handed the rain to Elena and went to get Bolt my horse I saddle him up then went to go teach Elena how to ride. And to my surprise she was a natural.

Elena and I were riding up a trail when something scared Moon. I jumped off my horse and calmed down Moon. I laughed when I saw Elena's face And that was my favorite memory of Elena.

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