Chapter 27

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I was sitting in the living room sitting on the couch flicking through channels on the T.V.. "Ooooo lets see whats wrong with America now a days." I said to myself. I changed the channel to the news. I gasped when I saw a image of a bunch of dead bodies with puncture wounds in their necks. "Uuuuuuuh ggggggguuuuyyyyyssss." I said scared. Everyone came into the room and stared at the televison. "Seattle is in a state of terror. Police are baffled by the escalting murders and disappearances." Said the news reporter. I look around to see Dad and Jasper who watch with concern. Emmett drapped over the couch next to me. Just then Bella and Edward enter as the new reporter says "Theories rage from vicious new gang to wildly active serial killer.". "Seattle?" Said Edward. "Its getting worse. We're going to have to do something." Said Dad. "Alice still hasnt had any visions on whose doing this." Said Edward. "So we track him down and kick his blood thirsty a**. Lets go now Im bored as hell." Said Emmett. "Emmett." Rosalie said from upstairs. "Shes just a pessimist." Said Emmett. I looked at Edward who looks abruptly at Jasper. I noticed Edward has that look in his eyes that he only gets when hes reading someones mind. "I didnt think of that. But.......yes it makes sense." Said Edward. "Guys." Said Bella. "Tell us Jasper." Said Dad. "It takes more than one of our kind to cause the damage their reporting. Quite a few more. Their undisclipned, conspicious-" Jasper was saying before Edward cut him off saying "Newborns.". " vampires?" Bella asked unsure. "In their first month after the change." Said Edward. "That's when we're at our most vicious, uncontrollable, insane with thirst. No one trained these newborns, but this isnt random." Said Jasper. "Someones creating an army." Dad said realizing what Japser was saying. Jasper nods. Just then Emmett rises enthusiasticly and says "Now we definitely gotta go.". I cover my mouth to supress a giggle. "Wait, an army? Of vampries?" Asked Bella. I rolled my eyes at her stupidy. "There haven't been any newborn armies in over a century that I know of." Said Dad. "There is now. And they've been created to fight someone." Said Jasper. "We're the only clan even close to Seattle." Said Edward. I gasped and my hand flew to my mouth when I realised something. Everyone looks at me with concern. "Elena what is it?" Asked Dad. "Bella and I. Thats who their after." I said. "Elena I dont think-" Dad was saying before I interupted him and said "Guys just think about it. Why would a vampire sneek into the house along with Bellas house steel somethig then leave without hurting anyone in the process." I said. "Your scent." Edward said realizing what I meant.

The next day

The next day I was walking along the sand with Jake. "They keep saying "Everything's fine," but it's complete bull. Alice is even going ahead with the graduation. Not that I'm complaining about a party cause you know I love parties. And I'm inviting you by the way." Jakes scoffs "Oh and Rosalie if she even starts the complaining bout your "dog smell" then she can deal with it-" I was saying before Jake interuoted me and said "I want to say something.". "Go right ahead I'm all ears. Tell me anything you want. The sand is yours." I said. "I'm just gonna get straight to it...............I think I'm inlove with you Elena.". "Huh? What? Huh? What? I uh thought you uh loved Bella. You know with the whole imprint thing?" I stuttered. "Ya I love Bella but the thing about the imprint is you be what ever they want. And Bella just wants to be friends cause you know with the whole "Loving Edward" deal. And i know you love Edward but I LOVE you Elena." Jake was saying before he does the unexpected. He kissed me. I tried to push him away, but he pulls me tighter to him. Finally I go limp, drop my arms, open my eyes and wait for him to stop. Finally he does. When he pulls away I dont even hesitate to punch Jake in the mouth. There's a loud, horrible crunching sound. I held my hand in pain while Jake didnt even look phased.

I didnt even talk to Jake as he drove me home. I sat in the passanger seat holding my throbbing hand. When Jake pulled up to the house and as soon as I got out someone pulled me behind them. "If you EVER touch her agaisnt her will again-" Edwardwas growling before Jake interupted him and said "She's not even sure what her will is-" Edward interupted him by saying "Oh, she can speak for herself. I guarantee you.". "Fine but at least I'm not killing her." Said Jake. Jake started to leave but I stopped him by saying "Jake wait! What are you talkig about!?". Jake stopped walking, turned around and said "Worse part is your keeping it from her. At least I LOVE her.". For some reason that must of sent Edwar over the edge because in a split second Edward had punched Jake across the face. Before Jake could do anything I yelled "STOP!". They both turned to me I pointed to the woods and said "LEAVE JACOB!..............NOW!". Jake glared at Edward, sent me a look that I couldnt tell what it meant then left. I walked into the house. Me being the klutz I am ran into a wall and made my hand hit it. I screamed and dad was there in a instant. When he saw my hand he instantly took me to the kitchen. He did his doctor stuff. Edward stood next to me while holding my hand he knew I never liked all the doctor stuff."Well Elena its just a sprain." Dad said putting a splint on my hand. Emmett and Jasper came in. "Trying to walk in heels and chew gum at the same time Lena." Emmett said with a smirk. "Noooo. I punched a werewolf in the face." I said. "Impressive." Said Emmett. Rosalie slammed her newspaper down and said "Why would you punch a werewolf in the face!?". "He kissed her." Edward growled out. I raised my eyebrow at his strange behavior but I let it slide.

Right now we are at graduation. We are all in the gym. And Jessica, the valedictorian, was giving her speech. "When we were five, they asked us what we wanted to be when grew up...Our answers were things like astronaut, president......or in my case princess." I chuckled along with alot of people "When we were ten, they asked again and we answered- rock star, cowboy, or in my case, gold medalist. But now we've grown up, they want a more serious answer. Well how 'bout this: Who the hell knows!?" Thw crowd hoots and hollers " This isn't the time to make hard and fast decisions, its the time to make mistakes. Take the wrong train and get stuck somewhere chill. Fall in love - a lot. Major in philosophy 'cause there's no way to make a career out of that. Change your mind. Then change it again, because nothing is permanent.......So make as many mistakes as you can. That way, someday, when they ask again what we want to be.....we won't have to guess.....we'll know." Said Jessica. When she was done the whole crowd eruoted in cheers. Soon later the principle was calling out names for people to get their deplomas. "Edward Cullen." Said the principle. I gave Edward a small smile as he walked up their on stage. I wolf whistled which made Edward chuckle. "Elena Cullen." Said the principle. I took a deep breath and walked up on stage. I heard a bunch of cheers once I got on stage. When I sat back down, I opened my dipolma, smiled and said "I did it.".

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