Chapter Two

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Finally. School was over. I grabbed my bag and made my way out of the French room. A familiar dark god was waiting for me, leaning lazily against the wall next to the door. He hung his arm over my hips and led me to the office.

"How did you know I had to go to the office?" I wondered.

"The slip of paper in your back pocket."

"Wow, so you were watching my ass and just happened to notice the paper?" I scowled; typical alpha checking his mate out.


I sighed and opened the office door. Musty air hit my nose and I coughed. It was obvious that there was an attempt to cover the awful scent by the Febreeze odor, but it didn't work. At all. I buried my face in Beau's jacket for a split second, breathing in his spicy cologne mixed with a woodsy smell. It smelled so good.

I handed the slip of paper to the lady at the desk and watched as she checked each signature then ripped the paper in half and threw it into the trash can. She checked off a box by my name.

"Did you have a good first day?" She asked sweetly.

"Yeah," I shrugged.

"I see you met Mr. Chandler." She glanced at Beau.

"Uh, yeah."

"There are security phones by each classroom if you ever need them." She shot me a pitying look, which I almost laughed at.

"Okay, thanks."

Beau let out a low growl, quiet enough that human ears couldn't pick up the noise, but my ears did. I leaned into his side as we walked, pleasing the alpha wolf.

I walked toward my truck but Beau had other ideas. He pulled me toward a sleek black motorcycle. I skidded to a halt.

"I am not getting on that."

"Yes, you are." He picked me up bridal style and walked to the death machine.

"What about my truck?" I protested.

"I'll have a pack member drop it off at your house."

"How would they know where I live?"

"Your scent." He said it as if it were the most normal way to find somebody these days.

"What is my scent?" I wondered.

"Cinnamon and vanilla," he replied affectionately.

We got to the motorcycle and he put me down on the back of the bike. Beau slid in front of me and chuckled.

"What?" I frowned.

"You might want to hold on."


I wrapped my arms around his chest, feeling his defined muscles underneath the thin cotton shirt. His wolf let out a contented purr when I buried my head in the back of his leather jacket. The spicy, woodsy scent calmed me.

Beau jerked the motorcycle forward and I held onto him tighter. My thighs instinctively wrapped more tightly around his hips and my ankles clamped closer to the metal. The wind blew my hair out of my face and actually felt kind of refreshing.

"Love, you can let go now," he said softly with a hint of amusement.

I noticed that we were in my driveway. I quickly let go of Beau and climbed off the bike. Beau murmured something to me before speeding away.

"Meet you in your room."

I blinked, puzzled, and unlocked the front door. My grandparents bombarded me with questions about my first day, but I told them I had a lot of homework to do.

You Are MineTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon